
(John Hannent) #1

Conservatives have engaged in a sustained, decades-long effort to popularize negative
attitudes toward government. They have been tragically successful. Only 19% of
Americans say they can trust government always or most of the time, which is among the
lowest levels in the past half century. Only 20% say government programs are well run.
But when asked about programs one by one, Americans see a major role for government
not only in keeping the country safe from terrorism (94%) and responding to natural
disasters (88%) but also in ensuring safe food and medicine (87%), protecting the
environment (75%), strengthening the economy (74%), and setting workplace standards


How do those attitudes fit together? When Arlie Hochschild traveled to Louisiana to find
out why Tea Party members were so hostile to government in one of the most polluted
regions in the world, she found—no surprise—that hostility to government was fueled by
programs for the poor. Nationwide, only 36% of Republicans say government should

have a major role in addressing poverty.^233

Publicizing to working-class Americans how they themselves benefit from government
programs needs to be a major priority. Not just for liberals: my sense is that many
moderate conservatives now feel that hostility to government has gone too far. We need
a bipartisan campaign to educate the American public about the positive roles that
government plays in their lives. There are two major themes that will appeal to the white
working class (and many others): keeping them safe and ensuring economic stability.

Both white and black working-class men see protecting their families as a key part of

keeping their world in moral order (see Table 1).^234 Governments help them do this.
Local and state governments supply police and firefighters, who protect their homes and
families. The federal government protects citizens through the military and FBI. State and
federal environmental agencies protect citizens from toxins and pollution. The Food and
Drug Administration ensures food safety, which is no mean feat, and protects us from

unsafe drugs.^235 The Federal Trade Commission protects against identity theft and
against those scammers who swindle grandmas. All this we take for granted; it makes
news only when an agency messes up.

Federal and state governments also ensure economic stability for working-class families.

Thanks to Social Security,^236 Medicare,^237 and (through Obamacare) prescription drug

benefits,^238 the elderly have the lowest poverty rate of any age group. (Children have the

highest poverty rate.^239 )

  1. Why Don’t the People Who Benefit Most from Government Help Seem to Appreciate It?

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