Add the grass
Add ‘grass.psd’ and place it below the bedroom layers,
then add ‘grass_02.psd’, place it above and make a mask
(step 1) to blend. Create a new layer, set the colour to black, use
the Brush Tool (B), change the blend mode to Soft Light and
brush in the shadow.
Compose the scene
Let’s add more elements to make the scene realistic. First, add
‘plane.psd’ and set the Feather command (step 7) to 1px. Then, add
‘birds.jpg’ and apply the Feather at 0.5px.
Create the park
Add the ‘skateboard.jpg’ and place it below the bedroom/biker layers. Add
‘skateboard_02.jpg’ and place it above ‘skateboard.jpg.’ Use a mask (step 1)
to erase the unnecessary parts and to blend the images. Link a Colour Balance
adjustment layer (step 2) set to 0, 0, -39, as well as a Levels one set to 24, 1.00, 255.
Layer group with mask
Create a new layer (Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+N) and use
the Pen Tool (P) to draw a shape as shown
above. Activate the selection (Cmd/Ctrl+Enter), create a
layer group (Cmd/Ctrl+G) and press the Add Layer
Mask button. After that, place the Floor layer from
‘bedroom_02.psd’ inside the folder.
Tutorial Create a fantasy scene
Use the Free Transform Tool
Duplicate the biker layer (Cmd/Ctrl+J), activate
the selection (Cmd/Ctrl+click the thumbnail),
set the Foreground colour to black, paint it (Alt+Del)
and use a Gaussian Blur (Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur) at
10px. Use the Free Transform Tool (Cmd/Ctrl+T) then
hold Cmd/Ctrl and adjust the perspective.
Apply the Feather command
Add the ‘biker.psd’ and place it in the
centre of the scene. Activate the
layer selection (Cmd/Ctrl+click on the layer
thumbnail), apply the Feather (Shift+F6) set to
1px, invert the selection (Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+I),
and press delete three times. Finally, link a
Levels adjustment layer (Step 2) and set it to
12, 1.00, 247.
Expert tip
Always pay attention to
highlights and shadows in
your scene – they will help
make it look realistic. Because
the female figure is going
from a bedroom to a park, it’s
necessary to pay attention to
the highlights and shadows
to make the scene believable.
To enhance the shadows of
her face, use the Burn Tool (O),
set the Exposure to 50% and
gently paint the darkest parts.
To enhance highlights, use the
Dodge Tool (O) and repeat the
same procedure.
Attention to
the details