Photoshop Creative Issue

(Barry) #1

Tutorial Create a 3D-style logo

Logo measurements Essential dimensions for social media platforms

Cover photo –
828 x 515px
Any images used for
your cover photo will
be stretched to 828
x 515px, but you can
upload an image that’s
a minimum of 399 x

Cover photo –
1500 x 500px
Any image you upload as
your cover photo should
be a wide landscape, but
Twitter will reduce it to
1500 x 500px. Keep the
main focus in the middle
of the image.

Cover photo –
2560 x 1440px
Keep this to 2560 x 1440px
to have the highest
resolution. Cover photo
sizes will vary depending
on device; it will show up
as 1546 x 423px on your
mobile, for example.

Max iMage size

  • 500 x 750px
    Images will show up
    in the news feed as
    a maximum of 500
    x 750px, but you can
    upload images as large
    as 1280 x 1920px.

Logo/profiLe –
180 x 180px
Any logo or profile
picture must be a
minimum of 180 x 180px,
but it’ll appear as 160 x
160px and be displayed
throughout as 32 x 32px.

Logo/profiLe –
400 x 400px
The logo or profile image
area on Twitter uploads
as 400 x 400px. You can
upload JPEGs, PNGs or

video upLoads –
1280 x 760px
Every video needs a
display image, and this
should measure in at
1280 x 760px, as this
qualifies as HD, with a
16:9 ratio.

Logo/profiLe –
128 x 128px
Your profile image on
Tumblr will be shrunk
down to 128 x 128px,
but will show up as 64
x 64px when scrolling
through your news feed.



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