Photoshop Creative Issue

(Barry) #1

Open the start image


Open ‘pix_1238228_gerbil.psd’. Press Cmd/
Ctrl+J to duplicate the background layer, in
order to preserve a copy. Go to Filter>Liquify (or press
Shift+Cmd/Ctrl+X) and select the Forward Warp Tool.
Choose a Brush Size of around 400, Brush Density: 16,
Brush Pressure: 100 and Brush Rate: 20.

Straighten the back


Start to click and drag along the left edge of the gerbil’s body to manipulate
it into a straight edge. Using a larger brush size creates a more natural
result and prevents the fur projecting over the edges from being compressed.

Create corners and edges


Create a diagonal edge at the top of the gerbil’s back, leading towards his ear. Use a
smaller brush size (around 80) to create a sharper corner at the top of his back.
Flatten the top of the head.

Edit the leg


On the right leg, create a flattened
edge along the bottom, with a
corner each side, dragging outwards with a
large brush size, then refining the corners
with a smaller size. Flatten and straighten the
underneath of the gerbil’s body.

Apply a Freeze Mask


To preserve the progress made so far, select the Freeze
Mask Tool within the Liquify filter and apply a mask over
the straightened edges of the gerbil, and also over his paws as
we want to leave these unchanged.

Now the other leg


On the left leg, create a 3D cuboid shape, remembering to use a
fairly large brush size (around 150) to prevent the edge becoming
compressed and losing the soft blurred appearance. A smaller brush (eg
60) can be used to sharpen the corners.

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