Photoshop Creative Issue

(Barry) #1

Apply a new material


In the 3D panel, select the ‘fo_map_
Extrusion Material’. In the Properties
panel, click on the Diffuse menu and then
click Replace Texture. Choose ‘fo_texture_
map.png’ and click Open. Time to edit the
texture. Click on the Diffuse menu and choose
Edit UV Properties. Set the Scale U/X to 4.5%
and click OK.

Create a 3D building


In the Layers panel, place ‘fo_bldg1_
front.png’ and press Return/Enter.
Now create a 3D object. In the 3D panel, click
3D Extrusion and click Create. In Properties,
keep the Extrusion Depth as it is.

Adjust the map material


Now it’s time to tweak the materials. In the 3D panel, click ‘fo_map Front Inflation
Material’. Next, in the Properties panel, set the Reflection to 30% and Refraction to
1.100; keep the other settings as they are.

Decal technique


In the Secondary View, click Select/
View Camera and choose Right, then
swap Main and Right views. Now, in the
Layers panel, place ‘fo_bldg1_right_view.png’.
Move over the building and click Return/Enter.
To apply the new material using the decal
technique, simply go to Layer>Merge Down

Edit texture


Place the material on the other side
of the building. In the 3D panel, click
‘fo_bldg1_front_Extrusion_Material’. In
Properties, open the Diffuse menu and
choose Edit Texture. In Layers, duplicate the
texture and flip horizontally, placing on the
right. Fill the area between the textures with
any colour and save the image.

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Expert edit

The Type Tool


You can easily transform any text
into a 3D object. Grab the Type Tool
(T), choose a bold font, define the colour
and then type your text.

3D extrusion


Now create a 3D layer. Right-click
on the text layer and choose ‘New
3D Extrusion from Selected Layer’. In the
Properties panel, adjust the Extrusion
Depth to suit.

Bevelled edges


In the Properties panel, click on
the Cap button. Set the Bevel
Width at 25, keep the Angle at 45° and
change the contour to Cone.

Merge 3D


In the Layers panel, hold down the
Shift key and select the text layer
and the map layer, then go to 3D>Merge 3D
Layers. With the layers merged together,
place on top of the building.

3D type effect

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