Advanced 3D modelling in Photoshop
Create a new object
First, swap to the Main view. In the
Layers panel, place ‘fo_bldg1_frame.
png’. Drag over the image and hit Return/
Enter. Transform in a 3D layer. In the 3D panel,
click 3D Extrusion and click Create.
Add material
Let’s use a solid colour to fill the extrusion. In
the 3D panel, click ‘fo_bldg1_frame Extrusion
Material’. Click on the Diffuse colour. In the Color Picker
window, choose the white colour and click OK.
Merge 3D layers
To merge the 3D layers, go to the Layers panel, hold
down the Shift key on your keyboard and select ‘fo_
bldg1_frame’ and ‘fo_bldg1_front’. With both layers selected, go
to 3D>Merge 3D Layers.
Move 3D objects
In the Secondary view, select Top view and swap with the Main view.
In the 3D panel, select ‘fo_bdlg1_frame’ and use the on-screen
controls to move the image. Click on the blue arrow (Move on Z Axis) and
drag down to push the frame out of the building.
Now merge the objects
First, swap to the Main view. With the
building in the right position, it is now
possible to place it on the map. In the Layers
panel, select the 3D building and the 3D map
layers, then go to 3D>Merge 3D Layers.
Scale 3D objects
First, swap to the Top view. In the 3D
panel, hold Shift and select ‘fo_bldg1_
front’ and ‘fo_bldg1_frame’. Place the cursor
on the centre of the on-screen controls until
the Scale Uniformly command appears. Hold
down the mouse button and drag down to
scale the object.
Put in place
Keep both objects selected and use
the on-screen controls to move and
rotate the objects over the map. Now swap
to the Front view and again, use the on-
screen controls to drag the 3D building down
to the ground.
Expert tip
To access on-screen controls,
go to Edit>Preferences>
Performance and check Use
Graphic Processor. When in
the 3D environment, use the
Move Tool (V) to select and
move the axis or the camera
controllers. The 3D axis
enables you to move, rotate
and scale the 3D object using
X, Y and Z coordinates. Hover
the cursor over the axis, click
and drag to control the object.
Use the Secondary Camera/
View to see different angles so
you know precisely where the
objects are in the 3D space.