Create an
space scene
et’s create an awesome space composition
from a sketch using some of the most
impressive features in Photoshop: filters, layer
styles and masks. In this tutorial, you’ll explore
each one of these powerful commands and
discover how to apply them for realistic effects. To
begin, you’ll create stars using the Noise filter and
then you’ll learn a clever way to add some twinkles
using the Motion Blur filter. Next, you’ll use the
Cloud filter, blending modes and brushes to create
a colourful nebula. Finally, you will place the images
and use the layer styles to add glows and apply
other techniques to complete the composition and
make it work as a whole.
You can try out different settings for the styles,
adjustments and blend modes, but it’s important to
use vivid colours for the nebula to make the image
stand out. If you are using Photoshop Elements,
don’t forget to check the side stepper for more
information on the editing process. There are so
many good tips and tricks in this tutorial that at the
end, you will have new skills to start using in your
own projects. Download the stock images from
FileSilo now, and start learning.
Explore new ways to use filters, layer styles and masks to create
an out-of-this-world composition
Share your illustrations Tweet us @pshopcreative
On the FileSilo
Download your free
resources at http://www.filesilo.
“Sometimes I think
Photoshop is truly out of this
world – I can create planets,
galaxies, stars and add a
variety of special efects
to a sketch using only the
amazing tools, ilters, and
features that are bundled in
the sotware. I have always
loved science-iction stories
- the idea of exploring
new planets and being an
astronaut were part of my
childhood dreams. Well,
thanks to Photoshop, now
I can inally satisfy those
dreams and create my own
space compositions.
“I started to get involved in
the digital world more than
15 years ago and have been
working as a freelance artist
ever since, creating all kinds
of multimedia projects and
tutorial guides.”
Time taken
2 hours
Create the stars
Go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise. Set Amount to 50%,
Distribution: Gaussian, check the Monochromatic box
and click OK. Now go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Set Radius to
3px and click OK. Use the Levels (Cmd/Ctrl+L) to create the stars.
Set the Inputs to 40, 0.05, 80.
Set the stage
To begin, create a new document. Go to File>New. Name your
project Astronaut, set the Width to 230mm, Height to 310mm,
Resolution to 300ppi, change the Background Contents to Black and then
click OK. Double-click on the Background layer thumbnail and name the
layer Stars.