Photoshop Creative Issue

(Barry) #1

Make adjustments


Go to Layer>New Adjustment
Layer>Photo Filter. Click Color and
choose #5fc2f1. Set Density to 60%, check
Preserve Luminosity and clip the layers.
(Cmd/Ctrl+Opt/Alt+G). Now, add a Levels
adjustment. Go to Layer>New Adjustment
Layer>Levels. Set the Inputs to 0, 0.70, 200
and clip the layers (Cmd/Ctrl+Opt/Alt+G).

Add more adjustments


Go to Layer>New Adjustment
Layer>Photo Filter. Click Color and
choose #f65a08. Set Density to 100%, check
Preserve Luminosity and clip the layers. Grab
a soft-tip brush (B). Click on the layer’s mask
and hide the areas around the image.

Place the astronaut


First, duplicate the Lens Flare layer (Cmd/Ctrl+J). Resize the image again and move to
a different place. Now go to File>Place Embedded ‘Astronaut.jpg’. Grab the Pen Tool (or
your favourite selection tool) and draw a path around the image. In Options, click Selection and
then create a layer mask (go to Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal Selection).

Layer styles


Go to
Style>Inner Glow. Set
the colour of the glow
to white. Reduce the
Opacity to 50% and
Size to 70px. Now,
click Outer Glow and
set the Opacity to
60%, pick blue as the
colour and Size: 35px,
then click OK.

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Expert edit

Save image


In Photoshop Elements, finish
step 18 and save the image. Go to
File>Save as. Name your image and Save
as type: JPEG, then click Save.

Open the file


Open Camera RAW in Elements;
go to File>Open in Camera RAW or
click Opt/Alt+Cmd/Ctrl+O. Locate the JPEG
image you saved and click Open.

Tweak the settings


Keep the Exposure at 0, set the
Contrast to 10, Highlights to 0,
Shadows to 20, Whites to 20, Blacks to 0,
Clarity to 20, Vibrance to 30, Saturation to
0 and click Open Image.

Vignette effect


Go to Filter>Correct Camera
Distortion. Set the Vignette
Amount to -100 and Midpoint to +70 and
then click OK. Save your image by pressing

Camera RAW in Elements

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