Photoshop Creative Issue

(Barry) #1

Advanced Create an awesome space scene

Place the galaxy


Go to File>Place Embedded ‘Galaxy.jpg’. In Options, set the
Horizontal/Vertical scale to 60% and rotate the image
about -15°, then press Return/Enter. Create a layer mask. Go to
Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal All. Grab a large soft-tip brush (B)
and mask the sky.

Create the Sun


Go to File>Place
‘Planet1.jpg’. Grab the
Elliptical Marquee Tool
(M). Select and mask the
image. Go to Layer>Layer
Style>Inner Glow. Choose
a light orange colour and
tweak the Opacity, Angle,
Distance and Size. Now,
click Outer Glow, choose
a light orange and tweak
the settings again, then
click OK.

Make adjustments


Press Cmd/Ctrl+T and scale down the image, placing it at
the centre of the galaxy. Grab a soft-tip brush (B) and
paint over the mask to partially hide the planet behind the clouds.
Click on the Planet layer thumbnail, then open the Levels (Cmd/
Ctrl+L). Adjust the Inputs to 60, 0.90, 180.

Add the Earth


Place ‘Earth.jpg’. Apply the Inner/Outer Glow styles as you did in
step 14. Create a new layer and name it Shadows/Highlights.
Change the blend to Overlay and clip the layers (Cmd/Ctrl+Opt/Alt+G). Grab
a soft-tip brush (B) and using a dark blue and light orange, paint the
shadows and highlights around the Earth.

Blend modes


Let’s make the astronaut suit a bit warmer, in preparation for the
galaxy. Duplicate the Photo Filter layer and mask you’ve just created.
Clip the layers and then double-click on the layer’s thumbnail to open the
Properties panel. Choose Filter: Warming Filter (85), Density: 100%. Change
the blending mode to Color Dodge.
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