Place more
Press Cmd/Ctrl+T
and resize the
Earth image. Now, add
more planets and repeat
steps 14 and 16 to add the
layer styles and the
Reduce the planets’ size
and distribute around the
image. You can try
experimenting with
different blend modes for
the shadows/highlights
or reduce the opacity.
Create the visor’s reflection
Create a snapshot; press Shift+Cmd/Ctrl+Opt/Alt+E.
Create a selection around the helmet visor, then create a
layer mask. Unlink the mask (click the link icon between the
thumbnail and the mask). Resize the image, placing the sun
inside the mask. Change the blending mode to Lighten.
Smart Object
Create a new snapshot, press Shift+Cmd/Ctrl+Opt/Alt+E
and name it Final. Now, transform the image into a
Smart Object. Go to Layer>Smart Objects>Convert to Smart
Object. Let’s make some adjustments to enhance the colours
using the Camera RAW filter.
C amera R AW
Go to
RAW filter. Keep the
Exposure at 0, set the
Contrast to 10, Highlights:
0, Shadows: 20, Whites:
20, Blacks: 0, Clarity: 20,
Vibrance: 30 and
Saturation: 0. Open the
Lens Correction panel,
set the Vignetting to -60
and then click OK.
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Expert tip
When using Free Transform
(Cmd/Ctrl+T) to resize a layer
that has a layer style applied
to it, Photoshop will not scale
the style, so you have to
tweak the settings again. To
solve this problem, rasterize
the layer style by going to
Style and then use the Free
Transform Tool. After placing
the planets and adding the
shadow and highlights layer,
remember to link the layers
before you start scaling down
the images.
Scaling layer