Photoshop Creative Issue

(Barry) #1

choose the colours by actually colouring my
sketch in Photoshop.

What are your favourite tools to
use in Photoshop?
Mainly the tools I use are the Magic Wand
Tool in conjunction with the Refine Edge
option. I also love using certain adjustment
layers, specifically Selective Color, Hue/
Saturation and Brightness/Contrast. For the
Little Red Boubou project, I created the
illustrations by selecting areas between the
black lines and using masks to apply my

scanned textures to the selected areas and to
the lines. Then for every area, I modified the
colour of the applied texture to get the exact
colour that I had in mind. Finally I added
shadows and highlights by darkening or
lightening the colours of my lines and textures
on specific areas.

This creative process is slightly
different to your usual, then.
What made you head in a new
direction for this project?
The style I used for the Little Red Boubou
project differs a little bit from my usual
illustrations, even if they are still similar. There
are two reasons for that: first I had a very
short amount of time to finish the illustrations
for this book, secondly as I wanted heavily
contrasted black-and-white drawings to be
able to select the areas easily, I used black ink
and continuous lines. As a result my lines are
a little bit stronger and the look is more ‘naive’
and colourful than usual, which was not a

All images © Typhaine Le Galloa

With this
technique it
is easy to get
punchy results
with coloured
lines, for example
the red lines on
the features of the
leopard’s head.

problem for me as I thought it was a good
match to represent an African adaptation of
Little Red Riding Hood.

Has this project changed the way
you use Photoshop?
Nothing is better than to work on a whole
project of at least 10 illustrations by applying
the same Photoshop recipe on all the
illustrations. This recipe should be compatible
with what you like to do with traditional
mediums: for example, for me it was essential
to keep the textures of watercolour pencils. I
learnt a lot during the Little Red Boubou project.
I only really mastered the software after
spending a lot of time on these 32 pages of
illustrations in Photoshop. Before that I was
mainly trying to edit my pictures to fix the loss
of colours and contrast due to the scan. Since
then I am still using traditional techniques, but
now Photoshop is an essential part of my
process to get the final atmosphere and
palette of colours that I have in mind.

For the skies,
I enlarged my
texture as
usual but I also
stretched it
horizontally to get
a different visual.

In all my
illustrations I
used scanned
pencil textures
that I zoomed in
to for textures
with strong and
large patterns.
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