Photoshop Creative Issue

(Barry) #1


StaGE 3

With your clock very nearly complete,
all that’s left to do is finish off the
project with adjustments, and turn it
into a real-life product for you to sell!
There are loads of great sites online
that can turn your artwork into
products, but one of the best things
about Redbubble is that it gives you a
percentage of the profits whenever
someone buys your design. Visit for more
information and to set up an account.

Finish the clock
Adjust your work and turn it
into a product

Save for web


Hide the background layer in your project. Hit Cmd/Ctrl+Alt/
Opt+Shift+S and then choose PNG. Keep the image at high
quality and save it to your computer, as we want our image to be as
high resolution as possible to turn into a clock.

adjust the clock


Create a Levels adjustment and improve the colour and tone,
before adding a black-to-white gradient. Choose Radial, and
then set to Soft Light, 50% Opacity so it fades to the edge. Now add a
black-to-white gradient map, set it to Soft Light and then reduce to
30% Opacity.

Use Redbubble


Go to and sign up for a free account.
Head to your proile and upload a new image. Choose your
clock face, enable it as a clock, and then resize as necessary.

Reduce noise and sharpen


Merge everything into one layer by hitting Cmd/Ctrl+Alt/
Opt+Shift+E and go to Filter>Noise>Reduce Noise. Move
Strength to 10 and the other values to 0. Hit OK, merge everything into
another layer, then go to Filter>Other>High Pass. Set to 5px and also
set to Overlay to Sharpen.

Hit ‘5’ to reduce a
layer to 50%


Every time someone
buys your design,
you will receive a
percentage of the
sale money.

Choose between
white, black, red
or teal for the hand
colour: we went
with red to stand
out against the blue.

Choose between black,
white and bamboo
frames for whatever
looks best on your clock.
Free download pdf