Photoshop Creative Issue

(Barry) #1


Soften with Clarity


While you are adjusting the hair, keep in mind that aged hair is
often very soft like cotton candy, and as such, needs to be
softened. Bring down the Clarity with a Local Adjustment to visually
soften the hair.

Open up the shadows


Inside Camera RAW, you can make use of a variety of sliders to
adjust the overall tone of your photo. In this case we are going
to lighten the Shadows, remembering to darken the Blacks as well.

Camera RAW filter Slider adjustments create the base for the effect

Adjust temperatures


While you are adjusting the hair with a Local Adjustment, bring
down the Saturation. Then, opt for a Warm Temperature to
make the hair look more golden. This image will be your base for
compositing a new image on top, which we show you how to do below.

Enhance wrinkles


Now mask the hair and then lighten it by opening up the
Shadows completely. You can also add a Local Adjustment of
Clarity on the skin to enhance the wrinkles further, around +20.

A cloning/healing
layer blends
everything for a
inal touch


Take it further
Composite images Overlay a photo for optimal realism

Match skin colours


Once the base image is prepped,
do your best to choose an image of
an older woman that’s as similar to yours
as possible. Lay it over the top of your
photo, and match the skin colours between
the two female models as best as you can.

Resize accordingly


Compositing an image is never
easy, so you need to painstakingly
adjust the two images together until they
blend seamlessly. You will need to resize,
scale, and distort the older woman’s photo
over yours so that they match better.

Adjust layer Opacity


It is unlikely your two images will it
exactly. This means you may need
to work on multiple copies of the older
woman. Drop the old woman’s layer Opacity
to about 70%, blending mode of Darken
and blend with layer masks.
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