Default tools Create this nautical scene without the aid of a graphics tablet
Taper the foam and rocks
by drawing over them
with the Lasso, and
hitting the delete key.
Draw sharp, pointed edges using the
Lasso and Square Marquee tools to give
your rock formations a harder look.
Draw the sea foam
You can complete the sea foam using the same technique as
the rocks. Create a new layer beneath the rocks layer, use the
Colour Picker to choose a light grey/blue, and trace over the sea foam
areas. Try to make the shapes more rounded than the rocks.
Create the sea
Create another new layer, beneath the rocks and the foam.
Select a deep blue and use the Rectangular Marquee tool to
draw a rectangle across your canvas. This will be the basic colour for
the sea, so make sure you keep the rectangle below the horizon line
you drew in your sketch.
Sketch your scene
Under the Expert tab, create a new
document and then a new layer.
Select a small hard brush, 100% Opacity and
10px in size. Use the Colour Picker to choose
a bright colour, like blue or red, and sketch the
lighthouse scene. Trace an image if needed.
Prepare for colour
Once your sketch is done, set the
blend mode to Multiply. Create
another layer below that one, and ill it with a
light-blue colour using the Bucket tool. You
should notice that your sketch’s lines are now
darker; this will make them easier to see as
you apply colour.
Using the Lasso
Create another new layer above the
blue ill layer. Select the Lasso tool
and use it to trace the outline of one of the
rock formations. Use the Colour Picker to
choose a dark blue, and use the Bucket tool
to ill the selected area. Repeat until all the
rocks are illed.
Press the L key to
quickly select the
Lasso tool
does it mean?
LASSO TOOL – This is a useful and
versatile tool for drawing freeform
without the aid of a graphics tablet.
It enables you to draw any shape
using the mouse, and create a
selection. This selection area can
be illed in using the Bucket
tool, moved using the Move
tool, or removed with
the Delete key.