Buddhadharma Fall 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
A Pilgrimage with
Dharmacharya Shantum Seth
November 9–22, 2019



With each step and breath, the
Buddha comes alive. Shantum
Seth’s knowledge, insight, and
humor brings joy to those journeying
with him in the footsteps of the
—Thich Nhat Hanh

Lion’s Roar is pleased to present this once-in-a-
lifetime, transformative pilgrimage of discovery,
meditation, and friendship. Explore the Buddha’s
life in India in comfort and security with the guid-
ance of one of the world’s leading experts on the
life of the Buddha, Dharmacharya Shantum Seth.
At each pilgrimage site along the way, Shantum
tells stories of the Buddha, the drama of his life
and the signifi cance of what he taught. There
is time for daily sitting and walking meditation,
regular discussion, and contemplation.
Friendly, colorful, magical—India is a land of con-
trasts, from the hubbub of spirited sacred sites
to the quiet corners where little has changed in
2,500 years. Expect the incredible!

For more info

Discover the Buddha’s Incredible Life in India

Free download pdf