
(coco) #1
Fig. 4.6.3 Raw text, taxonomies and other parameters are input into textual ETL.


In order to execute textual disambiguation, it is necessary to “map” a document to the
appropriate parameters that can be specified inside textual disambiguation. The mapping
directs textual disambiguation as to how the document needs to be interpreted. The
mapping process is akin to the process of designing how a system will operate. Each
document has its own mapping process.

The mapping parameters are specified, and upon completion of the mapping process, a
document can then be executed. All documents of the same type can be served by the
same mapping. For example, there may be one mapping for oil and gas contracts, another
mapping for human resource resume management, and another mapping for call center

Fig. 4.6.4 shows the mapping process.

Chapter 4.6: Textual Disambiguation
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