
(coco) #1
Fig. 5.1.7 Limited amounts of historical data.

High Availability

Another characteristic of siloed applications is the fact that application data often have
the need for a high degree of availability. For systems that are customer facing, anytime
the system is down and dysfunctional, the customer grows dissatisfied with the company
whose business the application was built for. For example, suppose your ATM machine is
down. You cannot transact your activity, and you grow dissatisfied with the bank that
owns and manages the ATM machine. As a consequence, applications are up and running
as frequently as possible. Applications try to achieve 100% uptime. The reality is that no
system is up and available 100% of the time. That nevertheless is the goal.

Fig. 5.1.8 shows that applications try to achieve a 100% availability.

Chapter 5.1: The Siloed Application Environment
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