
(coco) #1

For example, let's say that in the past, for a sample customer, it was common to have one
portfolio manager. Today, however, the company has changed the business rule so that
there might be three or more portfolio managers assigned to a customer. If the data
warehouse model enforces the “past” relationship (many customers to one portfolio
manager), then to support today's relationship the data model and the ELT/ETL loading
routines would have to be reengineered.

There is a reason for having a many-to-many relationship implemented in a link table
without the descriptive attributes attached. That reason would be to catch discrepancies
across multiple source systems. A link table (for purposes of understanding) may be
thought of as a relationship table. There are several forms of link structures including
nonhistorized links, hierarchical links, and same-as links. These forms are functionally
defined because they are defined in a manner that indicates the type of function or role
the data in these structures play.

Reengineering results in ever-increasing amounts of money because as the data set grows
and the model grows, the time, complexity, and cost of modifications also grow.
Eventually, this increase in cost and time to maintain the data outgrows the business’
ability to pay.

The only way to represent both relationships (historical and future) over time is to place
the data in a many-to-many link table; then, based on query requirements provided by
data marts downstream, the warehouse can tell the business users exactly what they have
and when it “breaks” the current rule.

Primary Key Options for Data Vault 2.0

There are three main alternatives for selecting primary key values in a Data Vault 2.0

  • Sequence numbers

  • Hash keys

  • Business keys

Sequence Numbers

Sequence numbers have been around since the beginning of machines. They are system-
generated, unique numeric values that are incremental (sequential) in nature. Sequence
numbers have the following issues:

Chapter 6.2: Introduction to Data Vault Modeling
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