
(coco) #1

Chapter 7.1

The Operational Environment: A Short History


The genesis of much data is the operational environment. As transactions are executed,
data are generated as a by-product. Response time is essential for online transaction
systems. Good response time is achieved by adherence to the “standard work unit.” The
SWU allows corporations to run many transactions and maintain consistent, good
response time. The structure of operational data is achieved by the creation of a data
model. The data model is built at several levels—the high level is the ERD, the midlevel
is the dis, and the low level is the physical model. An important part of the operational
environment is the component known as metadata. It is metadata that describe the
structure and content of operational data.


Operational environment; Standard work unit (SWU); Response time; ERD; Dis;
Physical model; Data model; Metadata

The computer profession is immature. This is not a pejorative statement about IT and
computers but simply a fact. When you compare IT versus other professions, it is no
contest. The streets of Rome that we use today were laid out by an engineer 2000 years
ago. The majority of the hieroglyphics in the pyramids in Egypt is some accountant
documentation of how much grain is owed the pharaoh. In the mountains of Chile are
found skulls that are estimated to be 10,000 years old that indicate that at least an early
form of medicine was practiced long ago.

So, when you compare the profession of IT to the engineering, accounting, and medical
professions, it is no contest. The IT profession is historically very immature compared to
other professions. That is a historical fact that is inarguable.

The very earliest uses of the computer were for the purpose of calculating military
matters in World War II. The military first used computers to calculate the trajectory and
landing zone of projectiles.

Chapter 7.1: The Operational Environment: A Short History
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