
(coco) #1

Fig. 7.1.3 illustrates the many new applications that were being produced.

Fig. 7.1.3 Lots of applications.

Ed Yourdon and the Structured Revolution

Into this fray stepped Ed Yourdon and Tom Demarco. Ed Yourdon recognized that
discipline in the creation of code was needed. Ed began what was termed the
“structured” revolution. Ed began with structured programming and then extended his
philosophy for the discipline in the creation of systems to general design principles.

Thus, structured programming and design was born. Given the development practices of
the day, Ed Yourdon made significant contributions with the notion that computer
systems should be developed with order and discipline.


One of the significant products of the structured revolution was the notion of the system
development life cycle (SDLC).

Chapter 7.1: The Operational Environment: A Short History
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