
(coco) #1

Chapter 1.5

Corporate Data Analysis


Corporate data include everything found in the corporation in the way of data. The most
basic division of corporate data is by structured data and unstructured data. As a rule,
there is much more unstructured data than structured data. Unstructured data have two
basic divisions—repetitive data and nonrepetitive data. Big data is made up of
unstructured data. Nonrepetitive big data has a fundamentally different form than
repetitive unstructured big data. In fact, the differences between nonrepetitive big data
and repetitive big data are so large that they can be called the boundaries of the “great
divide.” The divide is so large that many professionals are not even aware that there is
this divide. As a rule, nonrepetitive big data has MUCH greater business value than
repetitive big data.


Structured data; Unstructured data; Corporate data; Repetitive data; Nonrepetitive data;
Business value; The great divide of data; Big data

Data are fairly worthless unless it can be analyzed. So, the data architect must always
keep in mind that ultimately, the purpose of data is to support analysis.

The analysis of corporate data is pretty much like the analysis of other kinds of data with
one exception. And that exception is that most of the time, corporate data come from
multiple sources and multiple types of data. The fact that the origins of corporate data are
multifaceted colors all of the analysis of corporate data. Fig. 1.5.1 depicts the need to
analyze corporate data.

Chapter 1.5: Corporate Data Analysis
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