Barron\'s - 16.09.2019

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September16, 2019 BARRON’S 43





landscapeformillionsofretirees.” ROGERW.FERGUSONJR.,New York


[email protected]. To be considered for

publication, correspondence must bear the

writer’s name, address, and phone number.

Letters are subject to editing.

Fixingthe Retirement Crisis

To the Editor:

Afterreading Reshma Kapadia’s wonder-

fully informative article about how to fix

the growing global retirement crisis, I

was immediately struck by several

thoughts. In particular, the intelligent

way in which Australia has used public-

private partnerships to mitigate its prob-

lems highlights why this issue is becom-

ing more serious in the U.S. (“How to Fix

the Global Retirement Crisis,” Cover

Story, Sept. 6).

Given that our current political envi-

ronment is a train wreck, the notion of

the White House and Congress working

together to address retirement issues is

highly unlikely. This situation is exacer-

bated by the fact that, despite one report

after another by the trustees of the So-

cial Security system highlighting the im-

minent danger that it faces, politicians

are still gripped by fear of dealing di-

rectly with the issue. What would be

wrong with means-testing benefits, as

virtually every other federal program is

tested? Does anyone seriously believe

that Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Oprah Win-

frey, or many other financially secure

Americans will be wringing their hands

each month, waiting for their benefits to


I worry not for myself, but for the fu-

ture that my children and grandchildren

will face if nothing is done. We know

what the problems and the potential solu-

tions are, and we have the opportunity to

address them now, as opposed to waiting

until the crisis happens. Instead of tout-

ing more “free” stuff, perhaps the presi-

dential candidates should focus on the

problems that will render all of the free

stuff irrelevant.


OaklandGardens, N.Y.

To the Editor:

Your recent article provides valuable re-

porting on the industrious strategies that

leading nations are deploying to support

aging populations. A bipartisan group of

U.S. policy makers may earn similar recog-

nition by advancing major reform legisla-

tion that would bring much-needed modern-

ization to the retirement system here in the

U.S. at a time when more Americans are

outliving their savings and stressing the so-

cial safety net.

The House of Representatives in May

passed, by an overwhelming margin, legis-

lation called the Secure Act. It would en-

courage more employers to provide retire-

ment savings plans and expand access to

guaranteed lifetime income options, such as

annuities. While momentum for it has

stalled, champions in the Senate continue to

navigate the politics in Congress to approve

the measure, including by attaching it to

“must pass” spending legislation like the

continuing resolution to fund the govern-

ment, which Congress will probably vote on

in the coming weeks.

The Secure Act would strengthen the

pillars of a dependable and enduring

employer-based U.S. retirement system: a

focus on guaranteed retirement income that

cannot be outlived, a generous match to

employees’ savings, and a commitment to

putting participants’ interests first. Now

more than ever, the Senate must demon-

strate resourcefulness–and perhaps a little

inspiration–to improve the retirement land-

scape for millions of retirees, now and in

the future.



New York

FussOver the Fed

To the Editor:

If the Federal Reserve has been so

impactful in slowing job growth, as Mat-

thew C. Klein suggests (“The Jobs Market

Has Room to Run—if the Federal Reserve

Lets It,” The Economy, Sept. 6), why is

there little or no corroborating evidence

from surveys and public comments of busi-

nessmen that our current levels of interest

rates are inhibiting hiring and job growth?

Two- and 10-year Treasury rates are rang-

ing from 1.55% to 1.65%. If our postcrisis

economy, including the job market, cannot

function in a healthy manner with key rates

at these levels, the fuss over the Fed may

be the least of our problems.


West Palm Beach, Fla.


To the Editor:

IapplaudBarron’son your continued

effort to bring financial literacy to your

articles (“What Investors Need to Know

About Earnings Management,” Sept. 6).

I think many of us take at face value the

earnings presented by publicly traded

companies. But clearly, as the article

points out, they are not necessarily true.

Being an informed investor is incredibly

important for sustaining lasting gains.


New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office

Concord, N.H.

Europe Beckons?

To the Editor:

AndrewBary’s comment about Europe

beckoning investors is very nuanced

(“Treasury Bonds Are Now Riskier Than

Stocks,” Up & Down Wall Street, Sept.

6). In 2002, I invested heavily in Munich

Reinsurance after 9/11, when the stock

went down.

Disclaimer: I’m a professional rein-

surer, and I know what insurance/reinsur-

ance stocks do after big losses. The prob-

lem in this case was the dot-com bust

later that year. The stock never got back

to the purchase price for various reasons.

It did offer a good dividend. However, the

German government took 30% off the top

when my tax rate here was in the low

teens. So while I had a capital loss when

I sold last year, I also lost on the divi-

dend end. I wouldn’t recommend Euro-

pean stocks for Americans.



TheChinese Tariff Dividend

To the Editor:

ExanteData’s Jens Nordvig is concerned

that a 30% tariff on all Chinese goods

would negatively impact U.S. consumption

(“ ‘Incredible Volatility’ Could Hit the

Currency Market,” Interview, Sept. 6).

Here is a solution, which could be

called the “Chinese tariff dividend.” A

30% tariff would annually collect $150 bil-

lion on $500 billion of Chinese imports,

generating $600 per U.S. adult ($1,200

per married couple) annually. Congress

should legalize the distribution of this

Chinese tariff dividend to all adult U.S.

residents. This payment would be very

simple to administer as a credit on tax



Naples, Fla.

StoriesBehind the Stories



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aging boom—and nations are fac-

ing mounting challenges. This

week on The Readback,Barron’s


talk about how four countries are

dealing with the retirement crisis.


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