Barron\'s - 16.09.2019

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M12BARRON’S September 16 ,20 19

Market View


”Mario’s Last Bazooka”

Daily Insights

by BCA Research

Sept. 12: Mario Draghi’spenultimate

meeting at the helm of the ECB [Euro-

pean Central Bank] delivered fireworks.

Monetary policy has been eased and for-

ward guidance has been strengthened via

an open-ended QE [quantitative easing]

program. The program’seffectiveness re-

mains dependent on global growth bottom-

ing. Nonetheless, the reward-to-risk ratio

of owning the euro, European banks, and

selling safe-haven bonds is improving...

The market implications from today’s

measure will be dominated by the trend

in global growth,something out of the

ECB’scontrol. Global safe-haven bonds,

including German Bunds, are currently

very expensive and overbought, making

them extremely vulnerable to the recent

improvement in the Sino-U.S. relation-

ship. However,the greatest risk for

bondsisarebound in global growth,

which we expect to happen by early 2020.

As a result, any pullback in yields should

be used to build bigger negative bets on

this asset class. In Europe, favor Italian

bonds over German ones. Italian political

risk is receding, and Italian growth will

benefit from both easier financial condi-

tions and the coming global growth re-

bound. Additionally,European banks are

attractive. They remain very cheap, trad-

ing at half of book value, and they will

greatlybenefit as European yields rise.


Long Live the Bull

Invest forTomorrow

by Heritage Capital

Sept12:Today,stocks areastone’sthrow

from all-time highs, at least on the Dow

Industrials, S&P500, andNasdaq100.

Reversing lower before hittingafresh

high would certainly cause me to become

concerned about adeeper pullback.

While semis [semiconductor stocks] have

really been strong lately,other areas of

tech have struggledabit. Discretionary,

yet again, has regrouped and is poised

fornew highs.Ican’t even count the

number of times people have written off

the American consumer,only to be

proven wrong. Banks and transports

have really stepped up over the last week

as one of the most vicious rotations in 10

years has seen buyers stampede into the

laggard sectors.

At the same time, high-yield bonds

have quietly kicked it upanotch, when

many left thekey canary for dead. The

NYSE A/D [advance/decline] line has hit

another all-time high, much to the bears’

consternation. Bull markets simply do not

end with this type of strong behavior.



Debt Clock Shocker

Daily Pfennig

by Aden Research Group

Sept.12:Have you ever just pulled up the

Debt Clock at and sat

ther efor 10 minutes and watched the

numbers? It’samazing folks...Really,to

think that the debt per taxpayer is

$183,137...Hey,that’schump change,

right, just fire offacheck to the govern-

ment and hope they don’t cash it!

Further down on the Debt Clock’s

website, they have something called:Per-

sonal Debt to Income...OK, no biggie

right?Imean we should be making more

than we spend, right? Ahem...No, actu-

ally,the debt to income ratio is

1.724...And that’sthe part that scares the

bejeebers out of me, for if consumers can

no longer go deeper into debt, then who’s

going to support the economy?


Welcome Back, Productivity

Paulsen’s Pe rspectives

The Leuthold Group

Sept.12:We have an unemployment rate

of only 3.7%, fairly strong wage inflation

despite an economic slowdown, job open-

ings exceeding the total number of unem-

ployed workers, and we’re in the midst of

the longest-ever recovery in U.S. history.

Is thereamore opportune moment for

productivity to finally make an appearance

in this expansion?

At atime when many worry thatare-

cession lingers nearby,itiscomforting to

remember that productivity is inherently a

“recovery extender!” It allowsafully em-

ployed economy to continue to grow with-

out aggravating the forces that often bring

its demise (higher inflation, higher yields,

policy tightening, profit margin pressures,

and real income erosion). Without produc-

tivity gains, once full employment is

reached, the economy often becomes a

zero-sum game—either business takes most

of the economic fruits in profits, or scarce

labor wins by demandingalarger and

larger share of the overall budget. How-

ever,with rising productivity...profits and

labor incomes can both rise together.


Job-Market Slack

Economic Outlook

by Regions Financial

Sept.10:Over the past 34 months an aver-

age of 4.55 million people per month have

transitioned from being not in the labor

force in one month to being employed in

the next month and, over the past 12

months, the number has been well above

that longer-term average. Even allowing

forgrowth in the labor force over time,

this is stillalarge number,and one that il-

lustrates our point about there being more

slack in the labor market than is implied

by the “headline” unemployment rate.


TheYield Curve’s Message

Avalon’s Weekly Market Guide

by Avalon Investment & Advisory

Sept. 9:Theyield curve has historically pro-

vided an accurate forecast of future reces-

sions when the difference [in certainTrea-

sury yields]turns negative, also known as

inversion.Yield curves are one of the major

indicators that we monitor to judge recession

risk, but these inversions typically happen

more thanayear in advance of an economic

recession. In addition, stocks have histori-

call yhad significant advances post-inver-

sion...Our view remains that the odds ofare-

cession in 2019are low,and Avalon expects

two to three additional 0.25% rate cuts from

the Federal Reserve in 2019. —BILLSTONE

Fresh Fuel for Energy Stocks

The InstitutionalView

by The InstitutionalView

Sept.9:The percentage of Russell 2000

Energy Index stocks trading above their

200-day moving averages has risen

steadily since year-end! While the Index

was virtually unchanged, the 200-day per-

centage increased from 1% to10%. This is

the first time that the energy stocks have

diverged bullishly from the price index

since the sector peaked in 2014!

If this continues, then it would project

energy stocks to assumealeadership role

once tax-loss selling has run its course.

Certainly something to monitor as year-

end approaches. —ANDREWADDISON

To be considered for this section, material,

with the author’s name and address, should

be sent to [email protected].

”Atatime when many worry thatarecession lingers nearby,itiscomforting toremember

that productivity is inherentlya‘recovery extender!’”—JAMESW.PAULSEN


September 16 ,20 19 BARRON’S M25









Federated A:
EqIncA p 20.970.48 14.2 27.9
FedMunULA p 10.01-0.02 1.2 3.0
KaufmannAp6.32-0.1225.4 67.9
KaufmnLCA p 27.06-0.4128.1 61.4
KaufmnSCA p 40.90-0.0326.0 91.5
MunStkAdvA p12.960.04 9.5 14.4
StrValDivA pp5.71 0.06 12.5 17.9
Federated C:
StraValDivC p p 5.72 0.06 11.9 15.3
Federated Funds:
KaufmnSCI 41.66-0.0326.4 93.7
StockTrA 27.490.57 16.1 35.9
Federated Instl:
FdFlRStIncIS 9.71 0.02 4.9 11.2
FedMuniUl A 10.01-0.02 1.5 4.4
GloFinI 33.640.42 16.9 22.8
GovUltra 9.88-0.01 1.6 4.8
InsHiYld r 9.81 0.01 11.6 19.1
KaufmnLCIS 27.87-0.4228.4 62.6
KaufmnR r 6.34-0.1125.5 68.0
MDTSmCIS 19.240.71 12.7 33.7
ShIntDurMuInst10.30-0.05 2.5 4.8
StraValDivIS 5.74 0.06 12.6 18.7
TtlRtnBdI 10.97-0.16 7.7 9.9
UltraShortI 9.14-0.02 2.9 6.9
Federated IS:
ShtlncIS 8.56-0.05 3.6 7.2
Federated R6:
FedInstHYBondL9.82 0.02 11.6 19.1
TtlRtnBdL 10.96-0.16 7.6 9.9
500IdxInstPrem n104.941.06 21.7 50.1
CmdtyStrateg 8.58 0.03 3.5 NS
Contrafund K6 13.37-0.0620.7 NS
EmgMktIdxInstPre n10.360.22 8.6 24.7
ExtMktIdxInstPre n62.871.38 20.2 40.2
FIDSerEmgMkt 9.24 0.16 1.4 NS
FIDSerTresIndxFd10.000.00 1.9 NS
FIDZroLgCpIx n10.520.10 21.9 NS
Flex 500 Index 12.860.13 21.7 NS
Freedom2060K11.810.16 16.0 NS
GlexUSIdxInstPre n12.870.26 13.3 24.8
InflPrBdIndInsPr n10.10-0.18 6.7 7.3
IntlIdxInstPrem n41.500.86 14.4 25.1
IntlIndex n 9.94 0.20 13.3 NS
IntrTresBdIxPrem n11.08-0.25 6.6 NS
LgCpGwId InstPre n16.12-0.0724.6 64.7
LgCpVlIdxIstPrem n12.790.30 18.8 34.8
LTTrsBdIdxInstPr n14.23-0.9414.4 NS
MidCpInxInstPrem n22.830.25 23.0 40.5
NewMkt I 14.80-0.17 7.3 NS
RealEstIdxInst n17.00-0.2121.6 21.1
SAIUSLgCpIndxFd16.150.03 21.7 50.1
SeriesOverseas10.010.06 NS NS
SerLTTreBdIdx 9.57-0.6414.4 9.9
SmCpIdxInstPrem n20.310.95 18.2 36.1
STTreIdx InstPre n10.50-0.08 3.3 NS
TMktIdxInstPrem n85.381.03 21.5 48.4
TotalMarketIndex n10.670.13 21.5 NS
TtlIntIdxInstPr n11.870.23 13.0 23.7
USBdIdxInstPrem n11.84-0.21 7.0 8.1
Fidelity Adv Focus A:
HthCarA r 47.48-0.20 8.7 33.9
TechA t 52.68-0.2731.3 84.4
Fidelity Adv Focus C:
HthCarC p 37.31-0.16 8.1 30.9
Fidelity Advisor:
SrsAdvIntlCapApp22.53-0.3523.2 37.2
StragInc n 12.46-0.09 8.6 NS
TotBdFdClZ 10.81-0.16 8.0 10.7
Fidelity Advisor A:
AdvMdCpIIA p 18.310.38 16.5 27.8
AdvStrDivInA p15.410.00 16.2 27.8
BalancA t 21.450.07 16.2 32.1
BioTech 25.390.37 7.6 23.4
DivIntlA 22.610.11 18.4 22.9
EqGrA p/r t 12.35-0.0921.8 63.9
EqInA 29.100.73 18.2 28.6
FF2030A p 14.050.07 15.4 31.4
FltRateA r 9.49 0.03 6.5 12.8
GrOppA 83.88-0.2927.4 98.0
HiIncAdvA 11.230.07 13.5 23.3
LevCoStA p 36.69-0.4120.2 27.5
NwInsghtA p 31.930.03 21.2 51.4
SmllCapA p 23.200.51 24.3 26.8
StkSelMC p 34.950.82 21.9 43.4
StrInA 12.30-0.08 8.5 13.3
TotalBdA p 10.83-0.16 7.8 9.4
Fidelity Advisor C:

BalancC 21.270.07 15.6 29.2
NwInsghtC t 27.210.02 20.5 48.0
StrInC t 12.26-0.09 7.8 10.7
Fidelity Advisor Fun:
IntlGrwZ 14.720.03 22.8 35.1
Fidelity Advisor I:
AdvMdCpII I 18.970.40 16.6 28.9
BalancI 21.910.08 16.5 33.2
BiotechI 26.980.39 7.8 24.4
ConsvIncmMuni I10.05-0.01 1.5 3.9
DivIntl 23.000.11 18.7 23.9
EqGrI 13.66-0.0922.1 65.2
FAEmgMktI 29.410.56 19.2 34.8
FAInvGrdI 8.12-0.13 7.8 9.7
FF2030 14.140.06 15.5 32.3
FF2040 14.560.16 17.6 35.5
FltRatel 9.47 0.03 6.7 13.6
GrOppI 90.87-0.3127.6 99.7
HiIncAdvI 10.520.06 13.8 24.2
HthCarI r 51.90-0.22 8.9 35.0
IntlGr 14.690.02 22.6 34.5
IntlSmCp 26.470.67 11.0 23.2
LmtdTrmBdFd 11.61-0.09 4.7 6.6
MuniIncI r 10.64-0.10 5.4 7.9
MuniIncome 13.39-0.17 7.1 NS
NwInsghtI 32.750.03 21.3 52.6
REIncmInst 12.38-0.0814.6 23.0
SmCapGrwI 25.82-1.2527.1 64.7
StrInI 12.46-0.09 8.6 14.1
Total Bd 10.81-0.15 8.0 10.2
Fidelity Advisor M:
Balanced p 21.710.07 16.0 31.2
EqGr p 12.08-0.0821.5 62.8
EqIn p 29.860.74 18.0 27.7
GrOppM p 83.01-0.2927.2 96.7
NwInsghtM p 30.640.03 20.9 50.2
SmllCapM p 21.110.46 24.1 25.9
StkSelMC 35.190.83 21.8 42.4
StrInM p 12.29-0.09 8.5 13.3
Fidelity Advisor T:
StkSelMCRetail n36.790.86 22.1 44.2
Fidelity Advisor Z:
GrOpp 91.66-0.3227.7100.4
NewMktsIncFdZ14.80-0.17 7.4 NS
Fidelity Freedom:
FAFree2020I p 13.200.01 13.0 26.1
FAFree2025I 13.220.03 14.0 28.0
FAFree2035I 13.670.12 17.2 35.5
FAFree2045A 11.280.13 17.4 34.5
FF2005 n 12.41-0.06 8.8 17.9
FF2010 n 15.60-0.0410.0 20.7
FF2015 n 12.840.00 11.1 23.3
FF2020 n 16.000.03 12.1 25.1
FF2020A p 13.080.01 12.7 25.1
FF2025 n 13.980.05 12.9 26.9
FF2025A p 13.080.02 13.7 26.9
FF2030 n 17.320.11 14.3 31.0
FF2035 n 14.460.16 15.7 33.8
FF2035A t 13.550.11 17.0 34.5
FF2040 n 10.070.14 16.0 33.6
FF2040A p 14.450.17 17.4 34.5
FF2045 n 11.430.16 16.0 33.6
FF2050 n 11.510.15 16.0 33.6
Free2045L 11.370.13 17.6 35.6
Free2050I 11.350.13 17.6 35.5
Free2055 n 13.110.18 16.0 33.6
Freedom2010 K15.59-0.0410.1 NS
Freedom2015 K12.830.00 11.2 NS
Freedom2020 K15.990.03 12.2 NS
Freedom2025 K13.960.05 13.0 NS
Freedom2030 K17.310.11 14.4 NS
Freedom2035 K14.440.16 15.7 NS
Freedom2040 K10.070.14 16.2 NS
Freedom2045 K11.420.16 16.2 NS
Freedom2050 K11.500.16 16.1 NS
Freedom2055 K13.110.18 16.2 NS
Freedom2015 K612.800.00 11.2 NS
Freedom2020K615.970.04 12.2 NS
Freedom2025K613.950.05 13.1 NS
Freedom2030K617.290.11 14.5 NS
Freedom2035K614.430.15 15.8 NS
Freedom2040K610.050.14 16.3 NS
Freedom2045K611.400.16 16.3 NS
Freedom2050K611.490.16 16.2 NS
Freedom2055K613.100.18 16.3 NS
FrdmBlen2025 K610.280.02 13.9 NS
Idx2015InsPre 15.69-0.0312.1 24.4
Idx2020InsPre 16.710.00 13.3 26.6
Idx2025InsPre 17.830.03 14.2 28.6
Idx2030InsPre 18.870.07 15.8 33.3

Idx2035InsPre20.050.17 17.5 37.2
Idx2040InsPre20.190.21 18.0 37.3
Idx2045InsPre20.340.21 18.0 37.3
Idx2050InsPre20.430.21 18.1 37.3
Idx2055InsPre16.140.16 18.0 37.4
Idx2055Investor16.130.17 18.0 37.1
Income n 11.63-0.08 7.7 14.7
Income K 11.62-0.07 7.8 NS
Fidelity Invest:
AggrInt n 22.00-0.3523.4 37.7
AilSectEq 10.260.13 21.4 46.4
AMgr20% n 13.48-0.08 7.7 13.3
AMgr50% n 18.33-0.0112.5 22.9
AMgr70% n 22.420.10 15.3 29.0
AMgr85% n 19.700.15 17.4 34.0
AstMgr30R n 11.21-0.05 9.5 16.7
Balanc n 23.890.09 16.7 33.6
BalancedK 23.890.08 16.7 34.0
BluCh n 98.14-4.0221.1 69.3
BluChpGr K6 13.590.01 22.8 NS
BluChpGrK 98.33-4.0321.2 69.8
CALmtTrmTFB n10.71-0.08 3.2 4.5
CAMun n 13.23-0.16 6.6 8.8
Canad nr 52.870.06 20.8 23.8
CapAp n 35.56-0.2219.8 45.9
CapApprK 35.65-0.2219.9 46.3
CapDevO n 15.680.38 19.5 40.4
ChinaReg n 36.210.69 22.9 44.2
CnvSc n 29.90-0.0320.0 32.5
Contra n 13.12-0.0620.2 58.1
ContraK 13.14-0.0520.4 58.6
CorpBd n 11.94-0.2611.5 14.2
CpInc nr 10.06-0.0114.5 24.3
DisEq n 37.08-0.3621.6 39.3
DivGrowK 28.670.05 17.6 37.6
DivGth n 28.710.08 17.5 37.1
DivIntl n 37.560.18 18.7 23.1
DivIntl K6 10.770.05 18.7 NS
DivIntlK r 37.500.18 18.7 23.6
DivStkO n 25.29-0.1018.7 44.5
Emerg Asia nr 43.910.62 18.7 39.4
EmrgMktK r 32.280.24 21.2 38.1
EmrgMktsDebt 9.36-0.08 5.9 11.1
EmrMkt nr 32.250.24 21.1 37.5
Eq Inc n 59.720.84 19.5 33.8
EqDivIncm n 25.650.64 18.3 31.6
EqIncK 59.680.84 19.6 34.2
Europ nr 35.630.88 13.5 15.0
Export n 21.160.79 17.0 37.2
Fidel n 47.51-0.3622.4 48.8
FltRateHi nr 9.47 0.02 6.7 13.7
FocsdStk n 25.18-0.6020.5 65.7
FournOne n 47.170.48 17.5 35.8
GNMA n 11.53-0.04 4.8 5.9
GovtInc n 10.47-0.19 5.7 5.8
GroCo n 20.030.11 25.0 71.6
GroInc n 39.140.87 18.9 37.9
GrowCoK 20.060.12 25.1 72.1
GrowIncK 39.110.87 19.0 38.3
GrStrt nr 47.69-1.3125.8 44.4
GwthDiscovery n36.67-0.2522.0 64.4
HighInc nr 8.87-0.0211.3 21.5
Indepndnc n 38.16-0.6223.7 49.9
IntBd n 11.01-0.14 5.8 7.2
IntGov n 10.62-0.13 4.2 4.5
IntlDisc n 42.43-0.0616.3 22.8
IntlEnhIdx n 9.34 0.18 10.5 22.8
IntlGrRet n 14.720.02 22.6 34.4
IntlScOpps nr 18.620.31 15.4 30.8
IntlSmCap nr 26.300.66 11.0 23.2
IntMu n 10.62-0.11 5.5 8.2
InvGB n 8.11-0.13 7.8 9.9
InvGrBd 11.47-0.19 7.8 10.2
JpnSmCo nr 16.850.51 11.3 29.7
LargeCap n 31.500.78 19.7 40.3
LatinAm nr 26.280.23 22.6 35.0
LCapCrEIdx n 15.580.12 18.0 47.5
LCapGrEIdx n 20.36-0.1320.7 54.6
LevCoSt n 29.630.35 23.8 32.8
LgCpVHIdx n 13.320.28 16.7 37.3
LmtTrmMuniIncm n10.68-0.07 3.3 5.0
LowP nr 45.39-2.3313.0 28.7
LowPriStkK r 45.34-2.3613.1 29.1
LowPriStkK6 10.990.10 12.9 NS
LtdTmBdFd n 11.61-0.08 4.7 6.8
MagellanK 10.90-0.1823.1 53.6
Magin n 10.92-0.1723.1 53.3
MAMun n 12.39-0.14 6.0 7.5
Manager40 n 11.81-0.0311.0 20.0

Manager60 n 12.800.01 14.0 25.9
McpVl n 22.080.82 15.7 19.8
MegaCpStk n 14.760.27 19.1 40.7
MidCap n 35.750.54 19.3 39.6
MidCapEnIdx nr15.020.18 19.7 35.8
MidCapStkK r 35.770.54 19.3 40.1
MIMun n 12.48-0.13 6.1 9.0
MNMun n 11.88-0.14 6.0 8.1
MtgSec n 11.33-0.07 5.1 6.6
MuniInc n 13.40-0.16 7.2 10.4
NASDAQ nr 106.961.01 24.3 62.8
NewInsights Z 32.810.04 21.5 53.1
NewMill n 37.190.71 19.2 41.5
NewMkt nr 14.79-0.18 7.2 8.1
NJMun nr 12.31-0.15 7.4 11.5
NYMun n 13.49-0.18 6.7 8.5
OHMun n 12.36-0.14 5.9 8.2
OTC n 11.65-0.7925.5 70.8
OTC K 11.84-0.7925.5 71.3
OverseasK r 48.490.25 18.9 28.8
Ovrse n 48.580.25 18.8 28.3
PAMun nr 11.42-0.13 6.7 9.4
PcBas nr 31.810.45 20.9 32.5
PuritanK 22.22-0.1314.4 32.8
Puritn n 22.24-0.1314.3 32.5
RealE n 45.50-0.8822.9 23.0
RealEstInc nr 12.43-0.0814.6 23.1
REInc 11.08-0.0612.8 22.3
SAIIntlMinVolInd 11.330.11 11.3 22.3
SAISm-MidCap500I12.31-0.2422.0 39.6
SAIUSMinVolIndFd14.95-0.1120.8 48.4
SAIUSQtyIdx 13.62-1.7422.0 55.8
SCEnhIdx n 12.570.57 17.8 27.2
SmallCap r nr 17.160.25 22.2 34.2
SmCapDisc n 22.920.64 19.9 26.7
SmlCapO 13.22-0.4522.0 39.4
SmlCpGrth nr 25.74-1.2627.0 64.7
SmlCpGrth K6 13.78-0.0326.8 NS
SmlCpVal nr 14.950.65 16.2 26.9
Srs1000ValIndRet13.180.31 19.0 34.8
SrsBlChGroRetail13.81-1.6021.0 75.0
SrsCommStrt 4.64 0.01 4.0 -1.6
SrsEmrgMkt 19.030.37 15.9 32.9
SrsGlobal 12.560.25 13.4 25.0
SrsGroCoRetail17.770.12 25.8 75.2
SrsIntlGrw 16.570.04 23.7 37.1
SrsIntlSmCp 16.200.27 15.0 30.8
SrsIntlVal 9.59 0.27 11.5 13.3
SrsSmCapDiscRet11.430.32 22.1 32.9
STBF n 8.68-0.04 3.2 5.4
StkSelLCVl n 20.600.46 17.3 29.8
StkSelSmCp n 24.350.65 21.9 37.6
StkSlcACap n 46.840.52 21.9 45.7
StratDivInc n 15.520.01 16.4 29.0
StrDivIncI 15.480.01 16.5 28.9
TaxFrB nr 11.88-0.15 7.2 10.4
TotalBond n 10.82-0.16 8.0 10.3
TotalBond K6 10.17-0.15 8.0 NS
Trend n 106.81-1.7223.4 58.3
Utility n 28.930.44 19.2 42.4
Value n 10.650.42 22.4 26.8
ValueDisc n 28.710.58 15.7 30.0
ValueK 10.660.41 22.5 27.1
Wrldw n 27.33-0.4418.3 45.3
Fidelity SAI:
FidSAIEmgMktIndx13.550.29 8.6 24.9
FidSAIIntlIndxFd11.930.25 14.5 24.6
IntlValIdx 9.11 0.39 10.2 NS
Muni Inc 10.72-0.14 7.2 NS
SAIEmgMktLoVolIx10.020.14 NS NS
SAIInflaFocFd 10.18-0.11 5.4 NS

TotalBd 10.59-0.16 7.9 NS
TxFreeBd 10.67-0.13 7.0 NS
U.S.TreBdIdx 10.10-0.22 6.1 5.9
USMomentumIdx13.62-0.5018.5 NS
USValueIndex 10.070.31 18.7 NS
Fidelity Selects:
Biotech nr 19.550.36 14.2 22.0
Chem nr 12.430.46 5.1 17.7
ConStap nr 86.340.69 25.4 16.0
DfAero nr 18.720.07 33.0 84.9
Energy nr 35.061.29 6.1-12.9
FinSvc nr 10.600.41 24.1 48.3
Gold nr 22.20-1.5022.9 -6.8
Health nr 24.490.10 11.1 37.0
HlthCareSrvPt r nr87.591.14 -0.1 42.5
Ind n 35.250.19 23.0 38.9
ITSvs n 72.32-2.7634.3 92.3
Leisr nr 16.28-0.2526.0 58.8
Mat nr 68.072.08 9.3 12.3
MdTchDevis n 55.70-0.5717.8 59.6
Multimedia nr 64.990.63 26.8 50.6
Pharm n 21.00-0.1511.9 18.3
Retail nr 16.720.20 25.0 70.3
Semiconductors r nr11.100.34 41.2 89.8
Softwr nr 18.80-0.2027.8 85.3
Tech nr 17.69-0.0931.8 83.9
UtilGr nr 94.990.95 18.6 54.0
Fidelity Series:
Canada 11.000.06 21.7 NS
FASeriesEqGroFd14.65-0.1022.9 68.9
IntMuni Z 10.64-0.11 5.5 NS
STCrFd 10.05-0.04 3.9 6.9
Fiera Capital:
EmgMkt Inst 45.961.01 15.7 18.3
First Eagle Funds:
GlbA 58.970.96 15.9 22.1
OverseasA 24.500.37 14.0 14.4
US Val A t 18.950.28 15.8 29.1
US Val I r 19.310.28 16.0 30.1
First Investors A:
GroInA p 20.050.29 18.6 27.6
OppA p 37.970.61 21.5 22.4
SelectGrA p 12.19-0.0512.6 36.2
SpSitA p 25.521.15 13.2 19.7
TotRtA p 19.10-0.0914.6 18.9
TxExIncmA 9.36-0.10 5.0 6.0
FMI Funds:
ComStkInvst n 26.770.49 21.2 39.1
IntlInvst n 32.430.31 13.3 22.2
LgCapInvst n 20.440.22 18.6 45.1
FPA Funds:
FPACres n 33.630.72 16.0 25.0
NwInc n 9.98-0.04 2.9 8.7
Franklin A1:
AZ TF A1 p 10.89-0.13 5.9 7.5
CA TF A1 p 7.62-0.12 7.8 9.1
CAHY A1 p 11.19-0.14 8.4 10.6
CAInt A1 p 12.05-0.12 4.4 5.5
Fed TF A1 p 11.99-0.14 5.8 6.9
FedInt A1 p 12.11-0.11 3.8 4.8
FedL T TF A1 10.47-0.07 2.9 4.1
HiInc A1 1.85 0.00 11.7 19.5
HY TF A1 p 10.20-0.10 6.7 7.8
IncomeA1 p 2.31 0.02 12.3 22.1
MIInsTF A1 p 11.67-0.14 6.1 7.5
MNInsTF A1 p 12.45-0.14 5.6 7.4
MO TF A1 p 11.79-0.11 5.8 7.1
NC TF A1 p 11.59-0.11 5.2 5.6
NJ TF A1 p 11.43-0.12 5.6 7.3
NY TF A1 p 11.15-0.15 6.0 6.6
OHInsTF A1 p 12.85-0.14 5.7 8.4

OR TF A1 p 11.64-0.15 5.1 6.4
PA TF A1 p 9.93-0.09 4.8 6.1
US Gov A1 p 6.06-0.03 4.9 4.4
Utils A1 p 21.91 NA NA NA
Franklin Templeton:
TgtGroA p 18.970.05 15.5 31.7
TgtModA p 15.680.00 12.6 25.3
FrankTemp/Frank Adv:
CA HY Adv t 11.22-0.14 8.4 10.9
CA IntAdv 12.09-0.11 4.6 5.8
CA TF Adv t 7.61-0.11 7.8 9.5
CvtScAdv 22.43-0.0718.8 46.1
Dynat Adv 87.35 NA NA NA
Fed TF Adv 12.00-0.14 5.8 7.2
FedIntAdv 12.14-0.11 3.9 5.1
FlRtDAAdv t 8.31-0.01 2.6 8.8
FrkUSGvtSecR66.09-0.03 5.3 5.4
GrOpAdv p 43.45 NA NA NA
Growth Adv t 111.540.47 23.8 58.3
HY TF Adv 10.24-0.11 6.8 8.1
IncomeAdv 2.29 0.02 12.5 22.8
RisDv Adv r 68.090.12 24.0 48.0
SmCpGrAdv p 23.45 NA NA NA
SmCpValAdv t 51.46 NA NA NA
StrInc Adv p 9.61-0.10 6.9 11.3
TtlRtnAdv 9.92-0.16 8.1 8.7
USGovAdv p 6.08-0.03 5.0 4.9
Utils Adv 22.09 NA NA NA
FrankTemp/Franklin A:
BAL A t 12.740.08 13.7 25.0
BalInv p 34.65 NA NA NA
BioDis A p 140.47 NA NA NA
CoreAll A p 19.410.23 18.2 37.3
CvtSc A p 22.41-0.0718.5 45.0
DynaTech A p 84.57 NA NA NA
EqIn A p 26.180.40 18.0 37.9
FlRtDA A p 8.30-0.02 2.4 8.0
FoundFAlA p 13.990.34 12.2 19.6
FSmCoSer r 20.38 NA NA NA
GoldPrM A p 17.22 NA NA NA
GrOp B p 40.07 NA NA NA
Growth A p 111.180.47 23.6 57.1
LwDuToRt A 9.65-0.03 3.4 5.9
RisDv A p 68.130.11 23.8 46.9
SmCpGr A p 21.51 NA NA NA
SmCpVal A p 48.64 NA NA NA
SmMCpGrA p 36.86 NA NA NA
StrInc A p 9.60-0.10 6.7 10.5
TgtCon A p 14.49-0.02 9.8 18.9
TtlRtn A p 9.86-0.16 7.8 7.9
FrankTemp/Franklin C:
Bal C t 12.610.08 13.1 22.2
CA TF C t 7.60-0.12 7.2 7.3
DynaTech C p 70.05 NA NA NA
Fed TF C t 11.98-0.14 5.4 5.1
Growth C t 101.280.41 22.9 53.6
HY TF C t 10.40-0.11 6.2 6.0
Income C t 2.35 0.03 12.2 20.5
RisDv C t 66.760.10 23.2 43.7
StrInc C p 9.60-0.10 6.4 9.3
Utils C t 21.80 NA NA NA
FrankTemp/Franklin R:
FrkDynTchR6 88.24 NA NA NA
FrkGrthR6 111.490.47 23.9 58.9
FrkIncR6 2.30 0.03 13.0 23.0
FrkRisDivR6 68.090.12 24.1 48.5
FrkSmCpGrR6 23.82 NA NA NA
MutShrR6 28.30 NA NA NA
TempGlbBndR610.720.01 -0.8 11.8
TmpGlbTotRtnR611.170.01 0.1 14.0
TmpGrthR6 22.240.79 7.5 15.6
TmpFrgnR6 6.83 NA NA NA
FrankTemp/Mutual A&B:
Beacn A 16.03 NA NA NA
Europ A p 19.81 NA NA NA
Shares A 27.97 NA NA NA
FrankTemp/Temp A:
DvMk A p 20.60 NA NA NA
Frgn A p 6.93 NA NA NA
GlBond A p 10.760.00 -1.1 10.4
GlSmCo A p 9.08 NA NA NA
Growth A p 22.230.79 7.2 14.5
World A p 13.35 NA NA NA
FrankTemp/Temp Adv:
Frng Adv 6.83 NA NA NA
GlBondAdv p 10.720.01 -0.8 11.3
TGlTotRAdv 11.180.01 0.0 13.6
FrankTemp/Temp B&C:
GlBond C p 10.790.00 -1.4 9.2
Frost Family of Fund:

FrTRInst 10.39-0.06 4.4 10.6
FrTRIS p pn 10.38-0.07 4.2 9.8


Gabelli Funds:
ABC pn 10.370.04 3.4 7.1
Asset pn 57.651.13 16.6 35.6
GabelliAsstFdClI57.591.13 16.8 36.6
SmCapG n 55.292.59 17.3 29.6
SmCpGrwI 56.692.66 17.5 30.6
TETONWstMMFdI27.191.52 13.7 27.9
Util A p 9.10 0.12 16.0 28.7
Util C t 5.84 0.08 15.4 25.7
GAMCO Funds:
GwthAAA p 67.54-1.6323.6 65.5
Gartmore Funds:
NationwideInstSv22.03 NA NA NA
GatewayA 33.740.22 7.2 15.9
GE Elfun/S&S:
RSPIncm n 11.74-0.18 7.6 8.6
RSPUSEq n 55.870.44 21.3 48.7
Tax Ex n 11.54-0.14 5.9 8.2
Trusts n 61.530.46 22.7 51.9
Glenmede Funds:
CorFxd 11.17-0.19 6.7 6.8
SmCpEqAdv 24.030.91 12.5 23.2
GMO Trust Class III:
EmgCntryDt r 27.85 NA NA NA
IntlEq 20.690.52 12.8 15.3
Quality 24.140.07 20.0 57.0
GMO Trust Class IV:
CorePlusBd 22.56 NA NA NA
EmgCntrDt 27.81 NA NA NA
IntlEq 20.660.53 12.8 15.6
Quality 24.190.07 20.1 57.3
GMO Trust Class VI:
EmgMkts r 32.56 NA NA NA
Quality 24.150.07 20.1 57.5
USEq 13.370.08 20.1 39.2
Goldman Sachs A:
CapGr 23.390.13 23.1 59.8
MidCapVal p 33.420.61 24.7 33.0
Muni 16.30-0.07 5.9 10.8
SmCap 49.992.24 17.1 27.7
Goldman Sachs Inst:
EmgMEq 21.300.19 14.8 29.6
Gr 32.18-0.0519.5 53.7
GrOpps 22.85-0.3726.5 51.7
HYMuni 10.22-0.07 9.2 19.3
Int 12.470.18 11.0 24.2
Muni 16.29-0.07 6.1 11.8
ShDuTF 10.71-0.04 2.8 5.9
SmCapVa 54.612.46 17.4 29.3
AbsRt Inst 14.990.03 7.8 19.8
EhRt Inst 14.570.07 14.6 39.6
GothamIdxPl Inst15.300.14 11.7 50.6
Guggenheim Funds Tru:
FloRaStraFdInst25.280.04 5.4 11.3
MacOppFdClInstl25.87-0.02 1.8 11.2
TotRtnBdFdClInst27.16-0.41 4.1 11.3
TotRtnBondFdClA27.14-0.41 3.9 10.3
GuideStone Funds:
AggrAllGS4 n 12.50 NA NA NA
BalAllGS4 12.48 NA NA NA
EqindxGS2 33.32 NA NA NA
EqIndxGS4 n 33.32 NA NA NA
GrAllGS4 n 12.74 NA NA NA
GrEqGS2 26.46 NA NA NA
GrEqGS4 n 26.29 NA NA NA
IntEqGS2 13.38 NA NA NA
LowDurGS2 13.41 NA NA NA
MedDurGS2 15.20 NA NA NA
ValEqGS2 19.98 NA NA NA


Harbor Funds:
Bond n 11.78-0.22 7.2 10.4
CapApInst n 74.90-0.5720.9 65.4
CapApInv pn 71.67-0.5620.6 63.6
IntlInst nr 38.330.94 13.6 11.1
IntlInv tn 37.890.93 13.3 9.9
LgCpValue n 16.200.25 23.1 47.2
MdCpVal Inst n20.731.00 15.9 20.7
SmCpValInst n33.611.54 22.4 40.9
Harding Loevner:
EmgMktsAdv 54.81 NA NA NA

IntlEq 22.15 NA NA NA
Hartford Funds A:
BalIncA 14.63-0.0614.2 23.7
CapAppA p 37.31-0.0223.9 48.5
Chks&Bal p 9.60 0.00 17.0 33.9
DiscpEqA p 33.020.20 23.0 52.0
DivGth A p 25.740.47 19.6 44.7
EqInc t 19.880.36 18.5 36.6
FltRateA t 8.44 0.02 6.4 13.7
GrOppty t 39.93-0.3823.6 57.3
GrowAllA p 12.710.14 15.4 30.5
Hlthcare 34.430.25 14.4 31.6
MidCap A p 30.820.04 26.5 55.0
Muti-AstIncGw23.230.05 12.3 24.4
ShtDur 9.88-0.04 4.6 7.3
TotRBdA p 10.52-0.17 8.0 10.4
Hartford Funds C:
Bal IncC 14.39-0.0613.6 21.0
FltRateC t 8.52 0.02 5.8 11.2
MidCapC t 21.180.03 25.8 51.6
Hartford Funds I:
BalIncI 14.64-0.0614.4 24.6
CapAppI 37.54-0.0124.2 49.8
DivGthI 25.610.46 19.9 45.8
EmrgMktEqInv r15.600.21 12.4 31.0
EqIncI 19.770.35 18.7 37.5
FltRateI 8.43 0.02 6.6 14.6
GrowOppI t 42.44-0.4023.8 58.5
InterValue 14.350.66 9.4 19.6
MidCap 31.920.05 26.7 56.2
WorldBond 10.82-0.08 3.8 9.8
Hartford Funds R5:
MidCap 37.350.05 26.7 56.3
Hartford Funds Y:
DivGthY 26.450.48 19.9 46.1
IntOppY 16.280.05 17.4 20.2
IntlValY 14.670.67 9.4 19.8
MidCapY 37.750.06 26.8 56.6
WorldBond 10.85-0.08 3.8 10.0
Hartford HLS Fds IA:
Balanced 29.120.17 16.1 28.9
CapApp 43.870.13 23.0 45.9
DiscEqui 14.840.09 23.3 52.6
Div&Grwth 20.990.38 20.2 46.6
GrwthOpp 33.70-0.3424.3 59.5
IntlOpp 15.390.05 17.5 20.8
MidCap 36.510.06 26.9 56.8
SmallCo 18.990.25 27.2 58.9
SmCpGrwth 27.080.73 23.8 41.3
Stock 89.70-1.0024.9 52.7
TotRetBd 11.21-0.17 8.4 11.4
Hartford Schroders:
USMdCpOp I r 15.550.27 20.8 33.5
Heartland Funds:
Val Inv n 38.131.70 13.1 19.4
Hennessy Funds:
FocInst 86.060.20 28.3 43.9
FocInv 83.430.19 28.0 42.3
GasUtilIndInv 29.520.29 17.6 23.2
JapanInst 36.701.06 9.6 35.7
Homestead Funds:
ShtTmBd n 5.25-0.04 3.0 6.2
Value n 53.741.09 17.1 43.4
Hotchkis and Wiley:
HiYldI 11.500.01 7.4 15.7
MidCpVal 31.481.75 6.6 8.5
SmCpVal 53.553.66 13.8 27.0
ValOppI 28.321.12 19.8 39.6


ICM Small Company:
ICMSmCo 28.831.77 20.2 38.0
IFP US Equity Fund:
IFP US EquityFd18.98 NA NA NA
AmValA 33.501.17 17.1 22.5
Invesco Fds Investor:
DivrsDiv n 20.390.26 18.2 25.5
GlHltCr pn 37.330.12 13.3 25.8
Invesco Funds:
SteelPthMLPSlt40 7.38 0.23 8.9 1.0
Invesco Funds A:
500InxA p p 32.490.32 21.3 47.7
BalancedRiskAllA11.150.00 10.6 14.7
Chart 17.690.07 20.7 27.1
CmstA 24.960.92 17.0 36.0
CpBdA 7.45-0.1512.5 14.2
DevMkt 35.850.34 19.1 23.9
DivIncm p 23.020.22 14.4 22.2

Short Interest




Stock Exchange jumped 2%, to

16,637,989,221shares, as of Aug.

30, fromarevised16,317,872,039

on Aug.15.The short-interest ratio in-

creased to 5.3 days, versusarevised 4.2

days on Aug.15.

The ratio is calculated by dividing the

number of shares sold short by the aver-

age total traded each day.

Short interest on the NYSE American

Exchange fell by 3%, to 488,176,806

shares,asofAug. 31, from arevised

502,063,835, as of Aug.15.

The short-interest ratio increased to

4.64 days, versusarevised 4.02 in the pre-

vious period.





short interest rose 0.4%, to

9,237,965,825 shares, compared

with 9,199,980,578 on Aug.15.

The short-interest ratio was 4.45 days, versus

3.99 in the preceding reporting period.

On theNasdaq Global Markets, short in-

terest increased 0.6%, to 8,308,462,471

shares in 2,370 securities. That compares

with 8,255,813,521in2,378 securities on Aug.

15.The short-interest ratio was 4.7 days,

versus 4.1days for the previous reporting


Short interest on theNasdaq Capital Mar-

kets lost 1.6%, to 929,503,354 shares in 1000

securities, versus 944,167,057 in 990 on Aug.


The Aug. 31 short-interest ratio was 3.18

days, compared with 3.33 days in the previ-

ous reporting period.—MICHAELT.KOKOSZKA

Mutual Funds Dataprovidedby


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