
(Jacob Rumans) #1


The Great British Bake Off 2018
finalist spills the beans on her new

book and her plans for the future...

and over, but need to keep tweaking it!
I overcame it by reminding myself that
this is a dream come true, and nowhere
near as stressful as the Bake Off was!
There is far less pressure. And actually
I quite enjoy being at home alone baking,
so writing the book was overall a joy.

Where do you get your inspiration
from and what is your
design process?
I get inspiration from everywhere! Art,
f lavours from travelling, bakes I come
across, stories, colours and patterns.
Whenever I get a new idea I try to note
it down. Sometimes I will make it right
away, and sometimes it’ll get buried in
my brain for a while and then I’ll make
it ages later. If I come across a n image
I find really inspiring on my phone, I’ll
a lways screenshot it too.
I love to create stories in
my ba kes, so I t r y
to think about
how I can weave
that in. I want
people to look at my
bakes and identify
with a character
in there!

How would you
sum up your style
in three words,
and why?
Colourful, quirky
and fun. I think my
style of dress and
style of baking are
pretty similar
too! So I guess
that would
describe both.
I love colour
because it just


"I love to

create stories

in my bakes!"


Congratulations on your new
book Kim-Joy! Can you tell us a
little bit about it?
Thank you! I’m so beyond excited about
it! It’s everything I love about baking and
decorating, all in one book! So
everything is decorated, but there’s a
mi x t ure of d if f icult y levels so ever yone
c a n g ive it a go. A long w it h beaut if ul
pictures (including step-by-step
pics!), illustrations and feel-good
motivational quotes. I wanted
it to be informative and fun,
but a lso I wa nted it to be a

lit t le bit more t ha n just your ord ina r y
ba k ing book. I wa nted it to feel a lmost
magical and make you feel happier and
calmer as you look through it. And I’m
so pleased because we’ve achieved
exactly that! The whole team at
Quadrille have been amazing.

Did you face any challenges when
creating your book and how did
you overcome them?
You can feel a little pressured when
w r it ing a book on your ow n at
home. Especially when
you’re trying to
make the same
thing over
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