
(Jacob Rumans) #1

OCTOBER baking heaven 11

brings things to life and makes people
feel bet ter too. I a lways remember
wearing an all black dress to an
interview years ago, and Nabil (my
partner) telling me he’d never seen me
look so miserable before!

We know your background has
always been in caring roles – when
did you first get into baking and do
you think there is a link between
baking and wellbeing?
I started dabbling a bit with baking
when I went to University, though of
course I was in a sha red k itchen w it h
one cupboa rd to myself so I d id n’t do
anything too fancy! I was mostly into
bread initially; there’s something very
relaxing about baking bread. And then
t here were per iods in my life where I
baked a little more than others. But I
only got into decorating about 1-2 years
before the Bake Off!
I think there’s definitely a link
between baking and wellbeing. There’s
structure so that’s reassuring, but
alongside that you can also express
your creativity. You can really make
your ba ke your ow n. A nd when life feels
a lit t le out of control, t hat’s a nice
feeling. It also requires you to focus and
lose yourself in what you’re doing, a nd
any hobby or activity that lets you be
mind f ul like t hat is a ver y usef ul t hing
for your wellbeing.

What’s next for you?
I’ve got a lot of signings coming up for
the book, plus there’s a few potential
things I can’t mention! But I’m hoping
to do more TV, and keep being creative
and see what comes from it! I love
boardgames and cardgames, so
working on things with that. I’ve also
written and drawn a short baking-
themed comic for my friends who run a
fest iva l c a lled Thought Bubble in
York shire, so t hat w ill be published
among other peoples’ amazing comics!
The profits all go to charity. I’m overall
super excited about the future.


How did you know when you were
ready to take part in the Great
British Bake Off?
I was in a rea lly good place when I
applied for the Bake Off. I was settled in
Leeds with my partner Nabil, whereas
before that I’d been moving house every
year, just everytime I changed job. I was
moving jobs a lot because my aim was
to get into clinical psychology, and I
needed to keep climbing the ladder and
getting lots of different experiences.
I never really felt settled anywhere, or
had any reason to settle in one place.
But when I met Nabil, he just
encouraged me to do what made me
happy, a nd he encouraged me to apply
for the Bake Off, even though I thought
there was no chance I’d actually get on.
So I thought why not and applied, and
somehow I got through first time! Plus
I felt like in ter ms of my ba k ing
experience, I had enough of a general
knowledge to do it!

Do you have any top tips for
baking beginners?
Do what you enjoy a nd t hen keep doing
that until you get better at it. There will be
mistakes all the time, but sometimes you
can turn them into ingenious creations.
Gradually you’ll build up your skills!

What advice would you give to
someone who is thinking of applying
to be on the show in the future?
Just do it! Set aside a day and fill out
that form properly. And if you don’t get
in, lots of people get in second or t hird
time round. If you haven’t done one area
of baking (e.g. hot water crust pastry),
t hen just do it at least once so you c a n
say you’ve done it!

What are you most proud of since
becoming a GBBO finalist?
I’m proud that I’ve got a book out! And
I’m writing a weekly baking column for
the Guardian G2. I’m proud that I made
it to t he f ina l, persevered a nd never
gave up. I never thought I actually had
the stamina and determination to do
that! And the fact that people tell me
that I make them happy just through
being me. That’s a lovely feeling.


Cat (^) Pa
(^) cake
Bumble b

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