
(Jacob Rumans) #1

9 Prepare six 3x3.5cm (1^1 ⁄ 8 x1^3 ⁄ 8 in) petals in
the same way, then attach them around the
centre, spacing some evenly and some
farther apart. These petals will overlap more.
Repeat with a second set of six more
petals in the same size.
10 Prepare six 3.5x4.3cm (1^3 ⁄ 8 x1^5 ⁄ 8 in)
petals in the same way and attach them
around the base of the flower.
11 To create notched petals, cut a small,
rounded v-shape out of the centre of the
petal with scissors before pressing it in the
veiner and cupping with a ball tool.
12 Prepare six 3x4.3cm (1^3 ⁄ 8 x1^5 ⁄ 8 in)
notched petals as described in step 11, then
attach them around the base of the flower.
13 To dry the camellia, place small
pieces of tissue or foam bet ween the layers
of petals, to maintain the spacing as desired.
The flower can be dried face-up, resting
gently on a flat piece of foam, or it can be
hung to dr y to create more of a closed
shaped flower. Allow to dry completely.
14 To finish the camellia, remove all the
tissue or foam. Dust the edges of all of
the petals with pale pink dust and gently
steam for a few seconds to set the colour.

Let the flower dry before using.

15 Glue a Celbud2 (same size as for the
flower centre) to a 22g wire and let dry.
Create the first three petals in the same way
as the camellia flower, then attach in a tight
spiral to cover the styrofoam.
16 Create three more 2.3x2.5cm (^7 ⁄ 8 x1in)
petals, lengthening each one a bit in the
centre with the ball tool before pressing it in
the veiner. Apply sugar glue to the entire
petal surface, and attach overlapping the first
three petals, only slightly lower. Smooth with
your fingers to attach cleanly to the bud.
17 To make the calyx, roll green paste thinly
and cut six 1x1.5cm (½x^5 ⁄ 8 in) petals. Thin
them with a ball tool and apply sugar glue to
the surface of all of the petals. Attach in two
layers of three petals each, placing the
second layer so the petals are positioned in
between those in the first layer, and lower
down on the bud.
18 Dust the camellia bud with pale pink to
match the flower, and kiwi green on the
calyx. Gently steam for a few
seconds to set the colour.

Allow to dry before using.


The entire camellia flower
can be created
using the notched
petals if desired.








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