Contents xvii
- for the Interdependent Global Society CHAPTER 1 Intercultural Communication: A Requirement
- The Interdependent Global Society
- The Requirement for Intercultural Cooperation
- Social Challenges
- Ecological Concerns
- Humanitarian and Legal Cooperation
- Political Issues
- Security Concerns
- Technology
- Developing Intercultural Awareness
- Individual Uniqueness
- Generalizing
- Objectivity
- Compromise in Intercultural Communication
- Communication Is Not the Universal Solution
- Preview of the Book
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- CHAPTER 2 Communication and Culture: The Voice and the Echo
- Human Communication
- The Uses of Communication
- Communication Helps Fulfill Interpersonal Needs
- Communication Assists with Person Perception
- Communication Establishes Cultural and Personal Identities
- Communication Has Persuasive Qualities
- Defining Human Communication
- The Ingredients of Human Communication
- Components of Human Communication
- Communication Is a Dynamic Process
- Communication Is Symbolic
- Communication Is Contextual
- Number of Participants
- Environmental Context
- Occasion
- Time
- Communication Is Self-Reflective
- Communication Is Irreversible
- Communication Has a Consequence
- Communication Is Complex
- Misconceptions About Human Communication
- Communication Can Solve All Problems
- Some People Are Born Effective Communicators
- The Message You Send Is the Message Received
- Culture
- Culture Defined
- Characteristics of Culture
- Culture Is Shared
- Culture Is Transmitted from Generation to Generation
- Culture Is Based on Symbols
- Culture Is Learned
- Culture Is Dynamic
- The Elements of Culture
- Worldview
- Religion
- History
- Values
- Social Organizations
- Language
- Developing Intercultural Competence
- The Basic Components of Intercultural Communication Competence
- Motivation
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- the Family CHAPTER 3 The Deep Structure of Culture: Lessons from
- The Basic Components of Intercultural Communication Competence
- The Deep Structure of Culture
- Messages Deep Structure Institutions Transmit Culture’s Most Important
- Deep Structure Institutions and Their Messages Endure
- Deep Structure Institutions and Their Messages Are Deeply Felt
- Deep Structure Institutions Supply Much of a Person’s Identity
- Family
- Definition of Family
- Forms of Family
- Nuclear Families
- Extended Families
- Globalization and Families
- Functions of the Family
- Reproductive Function
- Economic Function
- Socialization Function
- Language Acquisition Function
- Identity Function
- Cultural Variants in Family Interaction
- Gender Roles
- Individualism and Collectivism
- Individualism and the Family
- Collectivism and the Family
- The Elderly
- United States
- Latino
- Arab
- Asian
- East African
- American Indian
- African American
- Social Skills
- Communication Skills
- Aggressive Behavior
- Developing Communication Competence Through the Family
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- and Death CHAPTER 4 Worldview: Cultural Explanations of Life
- Worldview and Culture
- Manifestations of Worldview
- Constructs of Worldviews
- Atheism as a Worldview
- Rejection of God
- Role of the Individual
- A Set of Ethical Standards
- The Finality of Death
- Spirituality as a Worldview
- Religion as a Worldview
- Atheism as a Worldview
- Religion and Human Behavior
- Religion in the Twenty-First Century
- Globalization and Religion
- Violence and Religion
- Religion in the Twenty-First Century
- Selecting Religious Traditions for Study
- Common Elements of Religion
- Speculation
- Sacred Writings
- Religious Rituals
- Ethics
- Christianity
- Core Assumptions
- Cultural Expressions of Christianity
- Christianity and Community
- Christianity and Individualism
- Christianity and“Doing”
- Christianity and the Future
- Christianity and Courage
- Christianity and Ethics
- Christianity and Notions About Death
- Judaism
- Origins
- Core Assumptions
- Branches of Judaism
- Cultural Expressions of Judaism
- Oppression and Persecution
- Learning
- Social Justice
- Family and Community
- Judaism and Ethics
- Jewish Notions About Death
- Islam
- Origins
- Core Assumptions
- One God
- The Koran
- Submission
- Predestination
- Judgment
- Five Pillars of Islam
- Cultural Expressions of Islam
- The Message and Response to Jihad
- A Complete Way of Life
- Sharia Law
- Gender
- Ethics and Islam
- Islamic Notions About Death
- Hinduism
- Origins
- Sacred Texts
- The Vedas
- The Upanishads
- The Bhagavad Gita
- Core Assumptions
- Divine in Everything
- Ultimate Reality
- Brahman
- Multiple Paths
- Cultural Expressions of Hinduism
- Complete Way of Life
- Dharma
- Karma
- Four Stages of Life
- Ethics and Hinduism
- Notions About Death
- Buddhism
- Origins
- Core Assumptions
- The Four Noble Truths
- The Eightfold Path
- Cultural Expressions of Buddhism
- The Use of Silence
- Impermanency
- Karma
- Buddhist Ethics
- Buddhist Notions About Death
- Confucianism
- Confucius the Man
- Core Assumptions
- Analects
- Cultural Expressions of Confucianism
- Jen(Humanism)
- Li(Rituals, Rites, Proprieties, Conventions)
- Te(Power)
- Wen(The Arts)
- Confucianism and Communication
- Confucianism and Ethics
- Confucianism and Notions About Death
- Developing Religious Tolerance
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- and Future CHAPTER 5 Cultural History: Precursor to the Present
- History’s Influence
- U.S. History
- Contemporary Social Issues
- Russian History
- Contemporary Social Issues
- Chinese History
- Communicating History
- Contemporary Social Issues
- Japanese History
- Contemporary Social Issues
- Indian History
- Contemporary Social Issues
- Mexican History
- Contemporary Social Issues
- Historical Overview of Islamic Civilization
- Muslim Demographics
- The Age of Ignorance
- The Rise and Spread of Islam
- The Legacy of Islamic History
- Communication Interactions Developing Historical Memory Competency for Intercultural
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- Behavior CHAPTER 6 Cultural Values: Road Maps for
- Perception’s Influence
- Beliefs, Values, and Behaviors
- Beliefs
- Values
- Behaviors
- Understanding Cultural Patterns
- Choosing Cultural Patterns
- Applying Cultural Patterns
- Kohls’“The Values Americans Live By”
- Personal Control over Nature
- Change
- Time and Its Control
- Equality/Egalitarianism
- Individuality and Privacy
- Self-Help
- Competition and Free Enterprise
- Future Orientation
- Action/Work Orientation
- Informality
- Directness, Openness, and Honesty
- Practicality and Efficiency
- Materialism
- Kohls’“The Values Americans Live By”
- Other Cultural Pattern Typologies
- Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientations
- Human Nature Orientation
- Person/Nature Orientation
- Time Orientation
- Activity Orientation
- Hall’s High-Context and Low-Context Orientations
- High-Context
- Low-Context
- Hofstede’s Value Dimensions
- Individualism/Collectivism
- Uncertainty Avoidance
- Power Distance
- Masculinity/Femininity
- Long- and Short-Term Orientation
- Minkov’s Cultural Dimensions
- Industry Versus Indulgence
- Monumentalism Versus Flexumility
- Exclusionism Versus Universalism
- Tight and Loose Cultures
- Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientations
- Face and Facework
- Cultural Patterns and Communication
- Developing Cultural Value Awareness
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- the Individual CHAPTER 7 Culture and Identity: Situating
- Identity: Defining the Concept
- The Influence of Identity
- Examining Social Identities
- Racial Identity
- Gender Identity
- Ethnic Identity
- National Identity
- Regional Identity
- Organizational Identity
- Personal Identity
- Cyberidentity and Fantasy Identity
- Other Identities
- Identity Acquisition and Development
- Multistage Identity Development Models
- Establishing and Enacting Cultural Identity
- Globalization and Cultural Identity
- Competency and Identity in Intercultural Interactions
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- Through Language CHAPTER 8 Verbal Messages: Exchanging Ideas
- Functions of Language
- Social Interaction
- Social Cohesion
- Expressions of Identity
- What Is Language?
- Characteristics of Language
- Words Are Only Symbols
- Words Are Arbitrary
- Words Evoke Denotative or Connotative Meanings
- Characteristics of Language
- Language and Culture
- Language and Thought
- Language Variations
- Accents
- Dialect
- Argot
- Slang
- United States
- Britain
- Texting
- Idioms
- Using Language
- English
- Spanish
- Brazilian Portuguese
- Northeast Asian
- Arabic
- German
- Interpreting
- Cultural Considerations in Interpreting
- Working with Interpreters
- Preparing for the Session
- During the Session
- Interpreting and Technology
- Developing Language Competence in the Intercultural Setting
- Learn a Second Language
- Be Mindful
- Be Aware of Conversational Taboos
- Be Attentive to Your Speech Rate
- Be Conscious of Differences in Vocabulary
- Attend to Nonverbal Behavior
- Use“Checking”Devices
- Be Aware of Cultural Variations in the Use of Language
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- of Action, Space, Time, and Silence CHAPTER 9 Nonverbal Communication: The Messages
- Defining Nonverbal Communication
- Intentional and Unintentional Messages
- Verbal and Nonverbal Messages
- The Functions of Nonverbal Communication
- Conveying Internal States
- Creating Identity
- Regulating Interaction
- Substituting for Words
- Studying Nonverbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication Is a Multichannel Activity
- Nonverbal Communication Is Often Ambiguous
- Numerous Variables Influence Nonverbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication and Culture
- Classifications of Nonverbal Communication
- Messages of the Body
- Appearance
- Judgment of Beauty
- Skin Color
- Attire
- Body Movement
- Posture
- Gestures
- Facial Expressions
- Eye Contact and Gaze
- Touch
- Scents
- Paralanguage
- Space and Distance
- Personal Space
- Seating
- Furniture Arrangement
- Time
- Informal Time
- Monochronic (M-Time) and Polychronic (P-Time)
- Silence
- Developing Nonverbal Communication Competency
- Your Interpretations Should Be Tentative
- Be Conscious of the Context
- Utilize Feedback
- Know Your Culture
- Monitor Your Nonverbal Actions
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- and Healthcare Applications in Business, Education,
- Culture and Context
- Assumptions Grounding Communication Contexts
- Communication Is Rule Governed
- Context Dictates Communication Rules
- Communication Rules Vary Across Cultures
- International Communication in Contexts
- Intercultural Communication in Globalized Business
- Business Protocol
- Leadership and Management
- Decision Making
- Conflict Management
- Negotiations
- The Role of Language in Globalized Organizations
- Benefits of Globalized Organizations
- Intercultural Communication in Globalized Business
- Education in the Globalized Society
- Culture as a Teacher
- Learning from Culture
- Cultural Attitudes Toward Education
- Language and Education
- The Multicultural Classroom
- Cultural Considerations in the Multicultural Classroom
- Multicultural Classroom Communication Strategies
- Healthcare in a Multicultural Context
- Globalization and Healthcare
- Intercultural Communication in Healthcare
- Healthcare Belief Systems Across Cultures
- Supernatural/Magico/Religious Perspective
- Holistic Perspective
- Scientific/Biomedical Perspective
- Illness Prevention Across Cultures
- Language Diversity in Healthcare
- Death and Dying Across Cultures
- in Contexts Developing Intercultural Communication Competence
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- Differences Communication: Managing
- Intercultural Communication in a Dynamic World
- Entering Another Culture
- Culture Shock and Its Impact
- The Process of Acculturation
- Managing Culture Shock and Enhancing Acculturation
- Learn About the Host Culture
- Learn About the Language of the Host Culture
- Guard Against Ethnocentrism
- Stay Connected to Your Own Culture
- Obstacles to Effective Intercultural Communication
- Tendencies to Seek Similarities
- Managing Uncertainty
- Withdrawal
- Stereotyping
- Stereotyping Defined
- Acquiring Stereotypes
- Stereotypes and Intercultural Communication
- Avoiding Stereotypes
- Prejudice
- Functions of Prejudice
- Causes of Prejudice
- Expressions of Prejudice
- Avoiding Prejudice
- Racism
- Racism Defined
- Categories of Racism
- Countering Racism
- Power
- Power Defined
- Power in Intercultural Communication
- Ethical Considerations
- Ethics in Communication
- Relativism
- Universalism
- Guidelines for Intercultural Ethics
- Be Aware That Communication Produces a Response
- Respect Others
- Seek Commonalities
- Recognize and Respect Cultural Differences
- Be Self-Responsible
- Ethics in Communication
- A Final Appeal
- Summary
- Activities
- Concepts and Questions
- Notes
- Index