Microeconomics,, 16th Canadian Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. 8A.2 Cost Minimization
    a. The Principle of Substitution

  2. 9 Competitive Markets
    A. Chapter Outline
    B. Learning Objectives (LO)
    C. 9.1 Market Structure and Firm Behaviour

  3. Competitive Markets

  4. Competitive Behaviour
    D. 9.2 The Theory of Perfect Competition

  5. The Assumptions of Perfect Competition
    E. The Demand Curve for a Perfectly Competitive Firm

  6. Total, Average, and Marginal Revenue
    F. 9.3 Short-Run Decisions

  7. Should the Firm Produce at All?

  8. How Much Should the Firm Produce?

  9. Short-Run Supply Curves
    a. The Supply Curve for One Firm
    b. The Supply Curve for an Industry

  10. Short-Run Equilibrium in a Competitive Market
    G. 9.4 Long-Run Decisions

  11. Entry and Exit
    a. An Entry-Attracting Price
    b. An Exit-Inducing Price
    c. The Speed of Exit

  12. Long-Run Equilibrium
    a. Conditions for Long-Run Equilibrium

  13. Changes in Technology

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