Microeconomics,, 16th Canadian Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

a. Problems with Emissions Taxes
3. Tradable Pollution Permits: “Cap and Trade”
a. Technological Improvement
b. Problems with Cap-and-Trade Systems
4. Pricing Pollution
E. 17.3 The Challenge of Global Climate Change

  1. Greenhouse-Gas Emissions
    a. Flows Versus Stocks
    b. The Effect on Global Climate

  2. The Case for Global Collective Action
    a. The Kyoto Protocol
    b. Performance
    c. Recent UN Agreements

  3. Energy Use, GDP, and Greenhouse-Gas Emissions
    a. Reducing Global GDP
    b. Reducing the Energy Intensity of GDP
    c. Reducing the GHG Intensity of Energy
    a. The Substitution Approach: Alternative Energy
    b. The Emissions-Prevention Approach: Carbon Capture and Storage

  4. Significant Policy Challenges
    a. International Tensions
    b. Coherent Climate Policy
    a. A Price on GHG Emissions
    b. Public Support for Technology
    c. Canadian Climate-Change Policy

  5. Summary
    F. Summary

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