Microeconomics,, 16th Canadian Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

b. To construct an index number for computer prices over
time, we divide the in the given period by the
the base period and multiply by 100.
c. The best way to display and compare the national income
in each of the 10 largest economies in the world is a
d. The best way to display data showing national income
and investment spending across 50 countries for 2018 is a
e. The best way to display national income in Canada over
the last 25 years is a graph.
3. Fill in the blanks to make the following statements correct.
a. On a graph with Y on the vertical axis and X on the
horizontal axis, the slope of a straight line is calculated as
b. In the equation the vertical intercept is
, Y and X are related to each other, and
the slope of this linear function is.
c. In the equation the vertical intercept is
, Y and X are related to each other, and the slope
of this linear function is.
d. For a non-linear function, the slope of the curve at any
specific point is measured as the slope of a straight line
drawn to that point.
e. On a graph of a non-linear function with either a
minimum or a maximum point, the slope at the minimum

Y = 500 + 4 X,

Y = 12 −0.2X,
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