Microeconomics,, 16th Canadian Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

List of Boxes

Applying Economic Concepts

1-1 The Opportunity Cost of Your University Degree 6
2-1 Where Economists Work 29
3-1 Why Apples but Not iPhones? 63
5-1 Minimum Wages and Unemployment 100
6-1 Rationality, Nudges, and Behavioural Economics 122
7-1 Is It Socially Responsible to Maximize Profits? 152
7-2 Three Examples of Diminishing Returns 160
7-3 The Digital World: When Diminishing Returns Disappear
Altogether 166
8-1 The Significance of Productivity Growth 183
9-1 Why Small Firms Are Price Takers 199
9-2 The Parable of the Seaside Inn 209
10-1 Network Effects as Entry Barriers 228

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