Microeconomics,, 16th Canadian Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

12-1 Are Google and Facebook the Standard Oil of the Twenty-First
Century? 290

14-1 The Rise of the “Gig” Economy 345

15-1 Inflation and Interest Rates 369

16-1 The World’s Endangered Fish 388

16-2 Used Cars and the Market for “Lemons” 392

18-1 Poverty Traps and the Negative Income Tax 453

Lessons from History

4-1 Economic Development and Income Elasticities 90

8-1 Jacob Viner and the Clever Draftsman 181

10-1 Disruptive Technologies and Creative Destruction 231

13-1 David Ricardo and “Economic Rent” 316

Extensions in Theory

3-1 The Distinction Between Stocks and Flows 51

11-1 The Prisoners’ Dilemma 260

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