Microeconomics,, 16th Canadian Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

book than just the writing. Without the efforts of all of these dedicated
professionals, this textbook simply would not exist. Our sincere thanks to
all of you.

Thanks also to James Ryan for his detailed and diligent work in
assembling the necessary data for updating this sixteenth edition.

Finally, Ingrid Kristjanson and I have been partners in life for over 30
years and partners in this textbook venture since we began work on the
9th edition in 1995. Without her participation, the quality and efficiency
of this project would suffer greatly. Ingrid also plays a leading role in the
improvement, rewriting, and expansion of the electronic Testbank. With
her involvement, the lengthy revision of the textbook and its supplements
continues to be an enriching and pleasant experience.

Christopher Ragan

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