
(Barry) #1
It’s not just about photography
Any photography business is just that: a
combination of photography and business.
I n fac t, it ’s most l i kely t hat it w i l l be t he
busi ness pa r t of t he equat ion t hat w i l l
make or break your dream of making a
living from photography, rather than any
lack of photographic ability. The reality is
that most freelance photographers spend
admin and doing other things, as they do
actually taking photographs. So, you need
to decide whether going full-time as a
photog rapher i s rea l ly for you, or whet her
you want your photography to stay as
a hobby (and maybe do some paid
photography on a part-time basis).

If you’re sure that going full-time is the
right thing for you, then you should start
w it h a busi ness pla n. You r ba n k or loc a l
busi ness enter pr i se bodies c a n help w it h
some of this, but it’s worth doing some
basic calculations before you start. Work
out how much money you need to make to
cover your living expenses. Then you’ll
need to add in the day-to-day costs of
running the business, such as travel,
marketing and even the cost of maintaining
premises). There are also the start-up costs
such as buying kit, and the ongoing costs of
the insurance that you’ll need to cover your
kit, yourself and public liability (turn to
there are tax and other business costs

t hat you’ l l need to accou nt for. Addi ng a l l of
these together will give you an idea of how
year to make it a viable business.
With any new business, once you have
taken into account all of the costs and
you should at least look to cover your basic
living expenses, and have a little left over.
An established photographer should be
able to ea r n a n average i ncome a f ter
expenses purely from photography. This
will depend on where you are based, but in
the UK this would be around £20-£30,000
per year, while in the United Sates it would
be i n t he reg ion of $30 -$45,0 0 0.

Ebb and flow
Unlike being employed by a company, you
won’t be guaranteed a steady income when
you start your own photography business.
You need to make sure that you are going to
be able to su r v ive t he lea n mont h s a s wel l
as those when you have cash coming in.
This is true of any business, but if you work
for commercial clients and companies you
w i l l a l so have to fac tor i n t he t i me it c a n

Make cash

with your Nikon

Going it alone

108 March 2016 http://www.digitalcameraworld.com

Ditching your day job to make a new career as

a full-time, self-employed photographer is a big

step, so here Chris Rutter takes a look at what

you’ll need in order to succeed


a k i ng your l iv i ng f u l l-t i me f rom ta k i ng pic t ures is ma ny
photog raphers’ drea m, a nd it has to be sa id t hat on a good
day it can be one of the best jobs in the world, but the dream
can be a long way from reality. E stablish i ng yoursel f as a
photographer can take many years of hard work, although
if you already have contacts in a particular area and a good
year. Even if you make a success of the business initially, this doesn’t mean
that you can rest on your laurels. Continuing to make a living, build a
successf ul busi ness a nd even ex pa nd w i l l ta ke plent y of ongoi ng ef for t a nd
work. Here we’ll take a look at the nuts and bolts of what you need to do to
make a go of becoming a full-time freelance photographer.


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