
(Barry) #1

Helping hand

It can be dif ficult to pose
dogs while you’re trying to
photograph them. Even if they’re
well-trained, as Jester and Roxy
are, they will get bored and run off
unless a handler or assistant is
on-hand to provide support. While
they’re holding a toy or food to
keep the dogs’ focus, you can
concentrate on composition
and timing.

The low down

You need to get down low
when photographing dogs,
both to shoot at their eye level and
to help throw out the background,
but you don’t have to lie down in
the grass and mud to achieve this.
Adrian found a spot where he could
pose Jester sitting proudly on the
hill looking acros s at him, with
Kaitlin crouched down the hill
and shooting up at the dog.


http://www.digitalcameraworld.com March 2016 69

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