The Economist USA 09.28.2019

(ff) #1
The EconomistSeptember 28th 2019 Middle East & Africa 45



ew west africancountries excite in-
vestors quite as much as Ivory Coast. Its
economy, which is forecast to expand by
more than 7% this year and next, is among
the fastest growing in Africa. Its efforts to
cut red tape and make it easier to start a
company or get loans have won praise from
private firms and multilateral institutions,
such as the imfand World Bank—which
has bumped it up by 25 places on its “ease of
doing business” index since 2015. On Sep-
tember 23rd Standard Chartered, a bank,
ranked it top of its list of 20 countries that
have the most potential to trade.
Much of the credit for this economic
boom goes to Alassane Ouattara, a former
economist who has been president since

  1. During his term the government has
    sold stakes in state-owned companies and
    invested in new roads and other infrastruc-
    ture. But economic reform has not been
    matched by political change, prompting
    worries ahead of a presidential election
    next year that the country may slip back
    into conflict. A disputed election in 2010
    led to a dreadful year-long civil war.
    The first concern is over Mr Ouattara,
    who may blot his copybook by trying to run
    for a third term. This would seem to be in
    breach of the two-term limit that was writ-
    ten into a new constitution in 2016. But Mr
    Ouattara said in an interview with a French
    magazine last year that his first terms do
    not count and that he could stand for an-
    other two, starting next year. Such a move
    would infuriate the opposition and almost
    certainly lead to violent unrest, says Ach-
    ille Comoe of Planet Peace, an Ivorian ngo.
    One trick may be to change the constitu-
    tion to bar people over the age of 75 from
    running. Although this would bar Mr Ouat-
    tara, it would also disqualify his main po-
    litical rivals, Henri Konan Bédié and Lau-
    rent Gbagbo, both former presidents. Mr
    Ouattara abolished the age limit in 2016,
    perhaps already then with a view to run-
    ning again. (Even if he does not run, he may
    still try to tilt the contest in favour of his
    ruling rhdp party.)
    Few ordinary folk would be unhappy to
    see Mr Gbagbo disqualified: it was his re-

fusal to concede defeat after he lost the
election in 2010 that sparked the civil war
that led to the deaths of about 3,000 people.
His political career ought surely to have
ended in 2011, when Mr Ouattara’s forces
winkled him out of his bunker in Abidjan,
the country’s commercial capital, or when
he was arrested later that year to face char-
ges of war crimes before the International
Criminal Court (icc). Yet he still influences
Ivorian politics. His acquittal by the icc
earlier this year raised fears that he might
return to run again, reigniting conflict.
That risk was averted for the time being
on September 16th, when the icc’s chief
prosecutor appealed against his acquittal.

But the long shadow cast by the war still
makes many Ivorians nervous, particularly
when they look at the state of the army. Al-
though rebels and loyalists were integrat-
ed, the army is deeply divided and prone to
mutiny. In 2017 some 8,400 disgruntled
soldiers—about a third of the total—took
over the country’s second city, Bouaké, de-
manding $8,000 and a house each.
Ivorians strongly endorse the two-term
limit for presidents and more than a quar-
ter think their representatives are corrupt.
The economy may be booming, but democ-
racy is in a slump. “Politics is still the easi-
est way to make money,” shrugs André
Braud-Mensah, a businessman. 7

The economy is on the mend, but
politics are still wobbly

Ivory Coast

A delicate peace


he egyptian police seemed caught off-
guard by the protests on September
20th. That was understandable, given that
almost no one had dared protest in years,
and it was a Friday night, the start of the
football season, when arch-rivals Zamalek
and Al Ahly were playing each other. The
authorities did not expect Egyptians to
heed the call of Muhammad Ali, a disgrun-
tled Egyptian businessman and former ac-
tor (pictured) who urged his followers on
YouTube to take to the streets. But in Cairo
and other cities, hundreds of people did.
In a country of 100m citizens, a few hun-
dred people venting their frustrations with
the army-backed regime led by Abdel-Fat-
tah al-Sisi would not have filled a subway

station. This was not a repeat of 2011, when
millions of Egyptians turned out to topple
Hosni Mubarak, the former strongman.
But it was an act of both desperation and
bravery. Mr Sisi tolerates no dissent. A lone
man in Cairo who dared publicly oppose a
sham constitutional referendum in March
was jailed for months. Small as they were,
the protests are significant, both for what
caused them and what they say about
Egypt’s moribund politics.
For weeks Mr Ali has captivated the
country with a series of videos posted on
YouTube. Speaking in gravelly, colloquial
Arabic, he drags on a cigarette and insults
Mr Sisi as a “midget” and a “disgrace”.
Claiming to have made a small fortune as a

A former actor living abroad is stirring up Egyptians

Protests in Egypt

Sisi’s pain in Spain

Correction:In an article on September 21st (“Au
revoir to arms”) we incorrectly said that on
September 9th Riek Machar returned to South
Sudan for the first time since fleeing in 2016. In fact,
he had returned before. We also said that a peace
deal in South Sudan was brokered by Sudan. It was
actually brokered by Ethiopia. Sorry.
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