The Economist USA 09.28.2019

(ff) #1

62 Business The EconomistSeptember 28th 2019


ea breezes, blue skies and sun-soaked
vines: springing to the reader’s mind
may not be the northern Chinese province
of Shandong, an industrial heartland of
shipbuilders and oil refineries. Yet it
pumps out two-fifths of China’s wine, too.
Yes, much of it is state-produced and
lousy—but there are a few glowing excep-
tions. Among the 63 wineries of the Penglai
valley is that of Château Lafite Rothschild, a
world-famous Bordeaux beloved of rich
Chinese. On September 19th it uncorked its
first local bottles.
Scepticism abounded when its owner,
Domaines Barons de Rothschild, put down
roots a decade ago. (A branch of the Roth-
schilds owns shares in The Economist’s par-
ent company.) “Lafite in lala land?” won-
dered Grape Wall of China, a wine site.
Midsummer monsoons drench the region,
a no-no for sophisticated growers.
Lafite confounded the naysayers, as a
tough reporting trip undertaken by this
correspondent, for a tasting and tour with
the Rothschilds at la propriété, confirmed.
Priced at 2,388 yuan ($335) a bottle, the Do-
maine de Long Dai 2017 was rated as “out-
standing” by James Suckling, a wine critic
who says that Lafite has built “what must
be the best winery in China”. It contains ca-
bernet sauvignon, cabernet franc and mar-
selan. The range of soils and microclimates
across 360 hillside terraces makes it one of
Lafite’s “haute-couture” vineyards, says
Olivier Trégoat, who oversees its planta-
tions outside Bordeaux.
Saskia de Rothschild, who runs the fam-
ily’s wine business, says that they are
“planting for a century”. It lost its local
partner, citic, an investment giant that,
under state direction, has pruned what Mr
Trégoat calls its “exotic divisions”. Lafite
flew 250,000 vine stocks over from France
and planted them on 30 hectares. It says
that it has acquired land-usage rights for 50
The vintners of Moët Hennessy Louis
Vuitton, another French producer,
launched “Ao Yun” two years ago for a
splashy 2,800 yuan, produced on their
Yunnanese terroir. They export most of it.
But Lafite wants to sell four-fifths of its
30,000 bottles domestically. Ms de Roth-
schild points to “rising pride” in home-
grown produce. Lafite is among the most
faked wines in China, so the capsules on its
Long Dai bottles conceal chips to allow
buyers to authenticate a bottle using their

A local foothold may also help sustain a
label that no longer sends Chinese into
bacchanalian frenzies. Imports of Bor-
deaux last year fell 31% by volume com-
pared to 2017. Australian wines are now
neck-and-neck with French ones for the
first time. At a bar in Shanghai, a lifestyle
blogger says between sips of Australian
shiraz that as more Chinese travel overseas
they have come to love plenty of other for-

eign wines. At a nearby table, businessmen
quaff Bordeaux—though none is tempted
to buy chinois Lafite.
Will rivals follow it? Aurélien Valance of
Château Margaux says charitably that the
idea is “interesting”, but that Margaux
wants to “maintain integrity” by producing
in France. Chinese collectors tend to open
and enjoy their bottles, he adds, so their
cellars are still fairly empty. As Lafite
knows, plenty are jostling to fill them.^7

Château Lafite cracks open its first
Chinese vintage

Fine wine in China

In the vinguard

Cépage de Shandong


he gleaming campus of BeiGene, a
biotechnology company in Beijing, has
all the trappings of a well-heeled research
laboratory. They include screening ma-
chines to test the 500,000 compounds in
BeiGene’s library, its animal-testing quar-
ters with 10,000 creatures—and Wu Xiao-
bin, who last year left a job as Pfizer’s head
for China to run the Chinese firm’s domes-
tic operations. Signs of expansion are all
around—especially for research on cut-
ting-edge treatments that include gene and
cell therapies. The number of scientists
working on such drugs has almost doubled
since last year; more are being hired. Fresh
lab space has replaced old offices.
BeiGene, founded in 2010, is emblemat-
ic of China’s fast-changing pharmaceuti-
cals industry—in more ways than one. On
September 5th a New York asset manager
alleged that it had inflated its sales fig-

ures—a sign of distrust of an industry with
a historically well-earned reputation for
shoddy quality and shady business prac-
tices. The company, which is listed on
America’s Nasdaq stock exchange, denies
wrongdoing. Investors seem to believe it:
its share price has recouped half of the 17%
drop precipitated by the accusations.
Markets’ optimism is doubtless fuelled
by the huge promise of China’s pharmaceu-
tical industry. In 2016 the country became
the world’s second-biggest drug market. In
2018 sales reached $137bn, doubling in just
six years. They are projected to be worth
half of America’s by 2030, up from a quarter
now. Much of this will come not from for-
eign drugmakers but domestic ones. At the
same time, Chinese firms, which have his-
torically produced copycat drugs for do-
mestic use, will increasingly sell innova-
tive treatments for everyone, like those

China’s pharmaceuticals industry is growing up

Chinese drugmakers

A rising star

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