The Economist USA 09.28.2019

(ff) #1
The EconomistSeptember 28th 2019 Finance & economics 67


ndian businessfolkhave been morose
of late. gdp growth is slowing. Corporate
earnings and sales have been dismal, with
the automotive industry walloped particu-
larly hard. Redundancies are rising, sug-
gesting that a broader downturn is around
the corner. Though the government of Na-
rendra Modi has offered a few goodies and
pick-me-ups, including abandoning a new
levy on foreign investment, India Inc has
been sunk in gloom.
On September 20th the malaise lifted,
with a surprise announcement by Nirmala
Sitharaman, the finance minister, of steep
reductions in corporate taxes. There were
reports the plan had been cobbled together
in a breathless 36 hours—and suspicions
that the government hoped to get ahead of
further bad economic news. If so, it will
have been gratified by the response. Stock
trading, which had been lethargic, perked
up. The benchmark Sensex index saw its
strongest two-day rise in a decade, of 8.3%.
The suddenness was characteristic of
Mr Modi’s government, which has a pen-
chant for dramatic moves. It says the tax
cuts will leave an additional $20bn, or 0.7%
of gdp, in companies’ coffers. Tanvee
Gupta Jain, an economist at ubs, puts the
figure a bit lower, at $15bn. She adds that
the tax cut should raise India’s gdpgrowth
rate by 0.2 percentage points, this year and
in the future, by helping to attract manu-
facturers keen to move out of China. So far
most have gone to Bangladesh, Indonesia,
Thailand or Vietnam instead, since they of-
fer lower taxes and fewer legal pitfalls.
Earnings for the big firms in the Nifty 50
index will be boosted by 8-10%, analysts
reckon. The biggest winners will be profit-
able businesses paying the highest rates,
such as supermarkets, brewers and con-
sumer-product companies. Firms that al-
ready have temporary tax breaks, such as it
consultancies, will eventually benefit
when their perks expire.
India’s tax system is so fiddly that it can
reduce even grizzled executives to tears.
Accountants were besieged by clients seek-
ing guidance. Hitesh Gajaria, a partner at
kpmg, a global accounting firm, said the
tax reduction was the largest he had seen in
his 34-year career—and so too was the
number of people wanting to hear the de-
tails. Nearly 1,500 dialled into two webi-
nars he held on September 23rd.
The current base rate for the largest
companies is 30%. But surcharges push

this above 35%, on top of which companies
are taxed on the dividends they pay. The re-
cipients of those dividends may have to pay
yet more tax. Another levy was recently im-
posed on share buy-backs. The new base
rate will be 22% (25.2% with surcharges).
The buy-back tax has been lifted for some
firms, but the dividend tax remains.
A new discounted rate of 15% (17.2%
with surcharges) is supposed to attract
manufacturers. That is better than the
overall rate in any other large country, and
nearly matches low-tax Singapore. The av-
erage for all firms in Asia, says Mr Gajaria,
is 21%, and for the world 24%. Manufactur-
ers who take the plunge in India will be un-
able to accept any other incentives, such as
accelerated depreciation, credits for re-
search and development, or perks that re-
sult from locating in a particular place.
Simplification is a virtue of the plan.
But in India nothing is entirely simple. De-
bate has already started about the precise
definition of manufacturing and thus who
is eligible for the new incentive for the sec-
tor. Existing manufacturers in India are
pressing to be included, asking why they
should be penalised for committing when
others held back.
Tax is only one reason why India has
failed to capture a windfall as supply
chains shift away from China. Restrictive
labour and land-acquisition laws hamper
hiring and construction. Changing these
would require state governments’ approv-
al. Sadly for Indian businesses, that rules
out another welcome surprise.^7

The government stuns markets and delights businesses by slashing corporate tax

Indian taxes

Ray of light



†SetupafterOctober1st 2019

Corporate tax rate, 2019, %
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


India Old (2018/19)
India New (2019/20)
United States*
India Manufacturers†


ceans of cloyingchai; coils of sticky
jalebi—Indians cannot get enough of
the sweet stuff. Already the world’s largest
consumer of sugar (though with relatively
low consumption per person, at 19kg per
year, against a global average of 23kg), last
year India pipped Brazil to become the
world’s biggest producer. On September
30th its sugar industry’s book-keeping year
ends. A reckoning is due.
A production bonanza, spurred by the
brief scare of a shortfall in 2016-17 and by
higher-yielding sugar-cane varieties, has
driven India’s output to record levels. This
year it is expected to hit 33m tonnes of crys-
talline sugar, compared with domestic de-
mand of about 26m tonnes. The cumula-
tive build-up of sugar means that the mills
crushing fresh-cut cane could end up sit-
ting on as much as 14.5m tonnes. That is
thought to be the most sugar any country
has stockpiled, ever.
India has long granted sugar-cane farm-
ers special perks. It forces mills to pay sky-
high prices for sugar cane and makes it
hard for them to import it. Uttar Pradesh,
the state with the greatest acreage of cane,
sets an extra-generous “state-advised
price”, which guarantees farmers a huge re-
turn on their basic costs and labour.
Thanks to such artificial pricing, process-
ing sugar anywhere in the country is more

A sickly tale of price distortions

Subsidies in India

Sugar lump

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