The Economist USA 09.28.2019

(ff) #1
The EconomistSeptember 28th 2019 Science & technology 73



tracked robotapproaches a pile of
brushwood blocking its path. This is
RoMan, short for Robot Manipulator, and it
is practising for what is, in effect, its gradu-
ation ceremony, on October 17th, when it
will show off its skills to a group of Ameri-
can army top brass in a so-called capstone
demo at Carnegie-Mellon University, in
Pittsburgh. After a pause for thought, it
reaches out an arm, takes hold of a branch,
lifts it up and drags it clear. Though this is a
trivial action for a human being, it is a
breakthrough for robots, according to
Stuart Young of the Army Research Labora-
tory (arl), in Adelphi, Maryland, who is in
charge of the RoMan project. And it has im-
plications for the future of robotics.
As anyone with a Roomba cleanerbot
knows, robots easily become confused by
something unexpected, like a piece of fur-
niture in the wrong place. A barricade can
be made of many objects, some unfamiliar,
and none with convenient handles. Taking
it apart is far beyond the capability of any
industrial robot.
Progress in automated manipulation of
this sort has been slow. Amazon, a large e-
commerce firm, ran a “pick and place”
challenge for three years, with teams of ro-
boteers competing to retrieve random
known objects from warehouse shelves.
The competition ended in 2017, with ma-
chines still failing to approach the capabil-
ities of human pickers. Similarly, the Euro-

pean Union’s “pick-place” initiative for
robotic manipulation has set only modest
goals for improving the handling of known
objects. This lack of technology from the
private sector inspired the arlto push for-
ward with its own programme, the Robot-
ics Collaborative Technology Alliance,
which has involved, besides Carnegie-Mel-
lon, General Dynamics, a military contrac-
tor, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (jpl), a
nasafacility in California, and the Univer-
sity of Washington.
Dr Young says that, as far as he knows,
RoMan is the first machine capable of ma-
nipulating unfamiliar objects in an un-
known and unstructured environment.
Currently, the obstacles it can deal with in-
clude piles of logs and brushwood, metal
objects and concrete blocks.
Just as a human being would, it has to
learn about the world through observation
and experiment before it can manipulate
it. So it is trained, for example, on numer-
ous tree branches until it is able to recog-
nise unfamiliar ones for what they are and
knows to grasp the trunk, rather than the
leaves or the twigs. Having so grasped an
object, RoMan assesses its weight and de-
cides whether to try to lift it or drag it. Dr
Young describes this process as “intuitive
physics”. Then, when confronted with a
real barricade, the robot can recognise ob-
jects within the heap, work out whether
they are best lifted, pushed or pulled, and
position itself in the optimum place to do
so and thus dismantle the obstacle.
Dr Young hopes to take this further, for
example by dismantling piles of burning
tyres. He also wants RoMan to be capable of
“whole body manipulation”, to exert more
force. That would include things like the
robot using its body weight in the way a hu-
man being might, in order to push open a
stiff door or to move heavy furniture by

bracing against a wall.
One problem with RoMan is that it is
still impractically slow. It often takes 10-15
seconds to decide what to do. Dr Young
says that this delay will have to come down
tenfold to meet military requirements. Ro-
Man will also need to learn to deal with a
wider range of objects.
All this done, however, the device’s fu-
ture could be bright. Beyond military appli-
cations, its descendants might work in
warehouses, pick fruit, clear litter or tidy
people’s homes. They might even, if jplhas
its way, collect rocks from the surface of
Mars. Picking up a branch is one small act
for a robot, but it could put a whole new
world within the grasp of robotkind. 7

Robots’ abilities to recognise and
manipulate things are improving



What the hell is that?!


n this information-saturated age, what
happens when the right to know comes
up against the right not to know? The ease
of genetic testing has brought this ques-
tion to the fore. Genes, some of which con-
tain disease-causing mutations, are shared
within families, meaning the results of a
test for a genetic condition inevitably af-
fect more people than the one who con-
sented to be tested. Two contrasting legal
cases pitting these rights against each oth-
er—one in Britain, the other in Germany—
stand to extend the idea of who, exactly, is a
patient and to alter the way in which medi-
cine is practised.
Both cases involve Huntington’s dis-
ease (hd), a heritable neurodegenerative
disorder. A single mutation gives rise to
hd, meaning that every child of an affected
parent has a 50% chance of inheriting it.
Symptoms, which include loss of co-ordi-
nation, mood changes and cognitive de-
cline, tend to develop between the ages of
30 and 50, and the disease is ultimately fa-
tal. Diagnosis is based on a simple blood
test, and though there are treatments for
the symptoms, there is as yet no cure.
In the British case, scheduled for trial at
the High Court in London in November, a
woman known as abc—to protect the iden-
tity of her daughter, who is a minor—is su-
ing a London hospital, St George’s Health-
care nhsTrust, for not sharing her own
father’s diagnosis of hdwith her. abcwas
pregnant at the time of his diagnosis, in
2009, and she argues that had she been
aware of it, she would have terminated the
pregnancy. As it was, she found out only
after giving birth to her daughter. She later

In genetic disease, who has the right to
know—or not know—what?

Medicine, genetics and the law

A not-so-merry


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