
(Sean Pound) #1


3 rd

5 th

In association with

3 Tony North UK 28pts
Nikon D500, 105mm, 1/640sec at f/10, ISO 640
Stunning in its simplicity, it would be easy to
conclude this was a straightforward image to
capture – but there’s no doubt that patience and
timing played a huge part in its success. As with
Henrik Spranz’s image (far left), it’s all about
balance, with the three butterfl ies forming a lovely
triangle – a classic compositional device that has
been used since time immemorial. The muted
tones are very appealing, and it was the right
choice to ensure the background was as plain
as possible. A lovely capture.

5 Jay Birmingham UK 0pts
Canon EOS 6D Mark II, 100mm, 1/250sec at f/3.5, ISO 100
This banded demoiselle was photographed at
dawn – one of the best times to capture fl ighty
insects, as the air is cool and they are still in a state
of torpor. The detail is superb, and the viewer can
see every vein in the demoiselle’s wings, while the
gorgeous emerald colour of its abdomen leaps
out of the frame.
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