Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms

(Jeff_L) #1

120 Linear Predictors

byyi. That is,Ai,j=yixi,j, wherexi,jis thej’th element of the vectorxi. Let
vbe the vector (1,...,1)∈Rm. Then, Equation (9.1) can be rewritten as

The LP form requires a maximization objective, yet all thewthat satisfy the
constraints are equal candidates as output hypotheses. Thus, we set a “dummy”
objective,u= (0,...,0)∈Rd.

9.1.2 Perceptron for Halfspaces

A different implementation of the ERM rule is the Perceptron algorithm of
Rosenblatt (Rosenblatt 1958). The Perceptron is an iterative algorithm that
constructs a sequence of vectorsw(1),w(2),.... Initially,w(1)is set to be the
all-zeros vector. At iterationt, the Perceptron finds an exampleithat is mis-
labeled byw(t), namely, an example for which sign(〈w(t),xi〉) 6 =yi. Then, the
Perceptron updatesw(t)by adding to it the instancexiscaled by the labelyi.
That is,w(t+1)=w(t)+yixi. Recall that our goal is to haveyi〈w,xi〉>0 for
alliand note that

Hence, the update of the Perceptron guides the solution to be “more correct” on
thei’th example.

Batch Perceptron
input: A training set (x 1 ,y 1 ),...,(xm,ym)
initialize: w(1)= (0,...,0)
fort= 1, 2 ,...
if(∃i s.t. yi〈w(t),xi〉≤0) then
output w(t)

The following theorem guarantees that in the realizable case, the algorithm
stops with all sample points correctly classified.

theorem9.1 Assume that(x 1 ,y 1 ),...,(xm,ym)is separable, letB= min{‖w‖:
∀i∈[m], yi〈w,xi〉 ≥ 1 }, and letR= maxi‖xi‖. Then, the Perceptron al-
gorithm stops after at most(RB)^2 iterations, and when it stops it holds that
∀i∈[m], yi〈w(t),xi〉> 0.

Proof By the definition of the stopping condition, if the Perceptron stops it
must have separated all the examples. We will show that if the Perceptron runs
forTiterations, then we must haveT≤(RB)^2 , which implies the Perceptron
must stop after at most (RB)^2 iterations.
Letw?be a vector that achieves the minimum in the definition ofB. That is,
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