Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms

(Jeff_L) #1
12.2 Convex Learning Problems 165

homogenous case). LetAbe any deterministic algorithm.^1 Assume, by way of
contradiction, thatAis a successful PAC learner for this problem. That is, there
exists a functionm(·,·), such that for every distributionDand for every,δif
Areceives a training set of sizem≥m(,δ), it should output, with probability
of at least 1−δ, a hypothesis ˆw=A(S), such thatLD( ˆw)−minwLD(w)≤.
Choose= 1/ 100 ,δ= 1/2, letm≥m(,δ), and setμ=log(100 2 m/99). We will
define two distributions, and will show thatAis likely to fail on at least one
of them. The first distribution,D 1 , is supported on two examples,z 1 = (1,0)
andz 2 = (μ,−1), where the probability mass of the first example isμwhile the
probability mass of the second example is 1−μ. The second distribution,D 2 , is
supported entirely onz 2.
Observe that for both distributions, the probability that all examples of the
training set will be of the second type is at least 99%. This is trivially true for
D 2 , whereas forD 1 , the probability of this event is

(1−μ)m≥e−^2 μm= 0. 99.

Since we assume thatAis a deterministic algorithm, upon receiving a training
set ofmexamples, each of which is (μ,−1), the algorithm will output some ˆw.
Now, if ˆw <− 1 /(2μ), we will set the distribution to beD 1. Hence,

LD 1 ( ˆw)≥μ( ˆw)^2 ≥ 1 /(4μ).


minw LD 1 (w)≤LD 1 (0) = (1−μ).

It follows that

LD 1 ( ˆw)−minw LD 1 (w)≥


4 μ

−(1−μ)> .

Therefore, such algorithmAfails onD 1. On the other hand, if ˆw≥ − 1 /(2μ)
then we’ll set the distribution to beD 2. Then we have thatLD 2 ( ˆw)≥ 1 /4 while
minwLD 2 (w) = 0, soAfails onD 2. In summary, we have shown that for every
Athere exists a distribution on whichAfails, which implies that the problem is
not PAC learnable.

A possible solution to this problem is to add another constraint on the hypoth-
esis class. In addition to the convexity requirement, we require thatHwill be
bounded; namely, we assume that for some predefined scalarB, every hypothesis
Boundedness and convexity alone are still not sufficient for ensuring that the
problem is learnable, as the following example demonstrates.

Example 12.9 As in Example 12.8, consider a regression problem with the
squared loss. However, this time letH={w:|w| ≤ 1 } ⊂Rbe a bounded

(^1) Namely, givenSthe output ofAis determined. This requirement is for the sake of
simplicity. A slightly more involved argument will show that nondeterministic algorithms
will also fail to learn the problem.

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