The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1


n a bright, cloudless morning, a slim Bushman walked away
from the security of civilization and into the vast expanse of
the Kalahari Desert. Trekking up and down gently rolling
hills of shifting sand, he panned the horizon for signs of life. The wet
season, marked by sporadic rain showers and lasting just a few weeks,
was over. Plants and roots were mostly dormant. Insects had sought
shelter in tunnels. Birds were sparse. Fruits and leaves had all but dis-
appeared. Carrying only a short digging stick, he moved in silence,
occasionally poking the ground to probe for signs of edible roots or
wandering insects.
My friend Paul and I were tagging along. Searching for food in this
desolate land on the other side of the world seemed surreal. We did
not speak the Bushman’s language, nor he ours, so communication was
limited to gestures and facial expressions. Training our attention on
his every movement, we dutifully followed behind, trying to keep pace
while our feet battled the deep desert sand beneath us.
Our chance venture had happened so quickly that we barely had
time to grab hats and water bottles, let alone contemplate whether we
were putting ourselves in harm’s way. Now, surrounded by endless red

Chapter 1

The Third Relationship

It is curious how seldom the all-importance of food is recognized.
— George Orwell

Kevin D. Walker, The Grand Food Bargain: And the Mindless Drive for More,
DOI 10.5822/ 978-1-61091-948-7_1, © 2019 Kevin D. Walker.
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