The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 4 Notes

 6. nitrates in water: Stephen Kalkhoff et al., “Water Quality in the East-
ern Iowa Basins, Iowa and Minnesota,  996 – 98 ,” US Geological Survey Cir-
cular  0 ,  000 , 0 /pdf/Circular 0 .pdf.
 7. water quality was governed: Donnelle Eller, “With Water Works’
Lawsuit Dismissed, Water Quality Is the Legislature’s Problem,” Des Moines
Register, last modified March  0 ,  0  7 ,
/story/money/agriculture/ 0  7 / 03 / 7 /judge-dismisses-water-works-nitrates
-lawsuit/ 993  79  8 /.
 8. divided agricultural interests: Donnelle Eller, “Will Water Works’
Dismissed Lawsuit Lift Pressure on Iowa Farmers? No, Officials Say,” Des
Moines Register, last modified March ,  0  7 , http://www.desmoinesregister
.com/story/money/agriculture/ 0  7 / 03 //water-works-dismissed-lawsuit
-lift-pressure-iowa-farmers-no-officials-say/ 994634 /.
 9. independence of water utilities: MacKenzie Elmer, “Bill Would
Mean Big Changes for Public Water Utilities. What Are They?” Des Moines
Register, last modified March ,  0  7 ,
/news/politics/ 0  7 / 03 / 0 /bill-would-mean-big-changes-public-water
-utilities-what-they/ 986  88  0 /; MacKenzie Elmer, “Des Moines Council Sup-
ports Bill Dismantling Water Utilities,” Des Moines Register, last modified
March ,  0  7 , 0  7 / 03 / 0 /des
-moines-council-supports-bill-dismantling-water-utilities/ 993  76  6 /.
30. won a Pulitzer Prize: “Art Cullen of the Storm Lake Times, Storm
Lake, IA,” The Pulitzer Prizes, accessed May  9 ,  0  7 , http://www.pulitzer.
3 . $282-million bill: Mike Trautmann, “Iowa’s Water Quality Problems
Really Boil Down to This,” Des Moines Register, last modified January  4 ,  0  8 , 0  8 / 0 / 3 /why
-iowas-water-quality-problems-matter/ 0  8  6600 /.
3 . On a campus of this size: “Morrill Act.”
33. labor force in 1790 : ERS, “Agriculture and Its Related Industries
Provide  Percent of the U.S. Employment” in “Ag and Food Sectors and
the Economy,” last modified October  8 ,  0  7 ,
34. food eaten outside the home: ERS, “Table . Food and Alcoholic
Beverages: Total Expenditures” in “Food Expenditures,” last modified January
 6 ,  0  6 ,
3 . fate of recent generations: Elizabeth Thomas, The Old Way: A Story of
the First People (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,  006 ), 3.

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