The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes  7

ability,  970 –  0  4 ,” ERS, January  0  7 , EIB- 66 , 6 ,
/webdocs/publications/ 8  0 /eib- 66 .pdf?v= 4  76 .
 3. the space allocated is small: Michael Ruhlman, Grocery: The Buying
and Selling of Food in America (New York: Harry N. Abrams,  0  7 ), Kindle
edition, – 6.
 4. one pound more per week: “Data: Meat Consumption,” Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),  0  6 , accessed
March  9 ,  0  8 ,
. control of most meat animals: James MacDonald, “Concentration,
Contracting, and Competition Policy in U.S. Agribusiness,” Concurrences no. 
( 0  6 ): 3 – 9 , 478  97 / 7 /Lianos 03 % 0 concurrences

  •  0  6 _on_topics_lianos_et_al.pdf.
     6. 15 percent added slurry: “Fact Sheet—Lean Finely Textured Beef,”
    National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, accessed March  9 ,  0  8 , http://www 0 Fact% 0 Sheet.pdf.
     7. Terms of the settlement: Timothy Mclaughlin, “ABC TV Settles
    with Beef Product Maker in ‘Pink Slime’ Defamation Case,” Reuters,
    June  8 ,  0  7 , 9

    JW 9.
     8. inclusion is a minor cost: Ed Yong, I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes
    within Us and a Grander View of Life (New York: ECCO,  0  6 ),  4.
     9. rejected all of them: Ibid.; M. B. Katan, “Why the European Food
    Safety Authority Was Right to Reject Health Claims for Probiotics,” Beneficial
    Microbes 3 , no.  ( June  0 ): 8 – 89 , 0. 39  0 /BM 0 . 0008.
    30. grew by only 2 percent: NASS, “Milk Cows, Milk Productions,” Febru-
    ary ,  0  8 ,
    3 . cows die or are culled: Albert De Vries, “Cow Longevity Economics:
    The Cost Benefit of Keeping the Cow in the Herd,” in Proceedings of Cow
    Longevity Conference, Hamra Farm/Tumba, Sweden, August  8 –  9 ,  0  3 ,  3 , 0 Longevity% 0 Con
    ference% 0 Proceedings% 0 .pdf.
    3 . requiring certain nutrients: USDA, “What Foods Are in the Grains
    Group?”, last modified November 3 ,  0  7 , https://www
    33. products made of mostly white flour: Jeanine Bentley, “U.S. Trends
    in Food Availability and a Dietary Assessment of Loss-Adjusted Food Avail-
    ability,  790 –  0  4 ,” ERS, EIB- 66.
    34. more extravagant the health claims: Marion Nestle, What to Eat (New
    York: North Point Press,  006 ), Kindle edition,  8.

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