The Grand Food Bargain

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Notes 

. Ladybugs, those seemingly sweet: Ibid.
6. Starting the ball rolling: Richard Wrangham, Catching Fire: How
Cooking Made Us Human (New York: Basic Books,  00 ).
7. nutrients the human body could absorb: “What’s Cooking? The
Evolutionary Role of Cookery,” The Economist, February 1 ,  00 , http://www 1313  61 ; for more information, see: Suzana Hercu-
lano-Houzel, “The Remarkable, yet Not Extraordinary, Human Brain as a
Scaled-Up Primate Brain and Its Associated Cost,” Proceedings of the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences 10 , no. 1 ( June  01 ): 10661 – 68 , http://www.pnas
.org/content/ 10 /Supplement_ 1 / 10661 .full; Karina Fonseca-Azevedo and Su-
zana Herculano-Houzel, “Metabolic Constraint Imposes Tradeoff between
Body Size and Number of Brain Neurons in Human Evolution,” PNAS 10 ,
no. 4  (November  01 ): 18  71 – 76 , 10 / 4 / 18  71
8. neurons to rise dramatically: Herculano-Houzel, “The Remark-
able... Human Brain.”
. more efficient digestive system: Daniel Lieberman, The Story of the
Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease (New York: Pantheon Books,
 013 ); Leslie Aiello and Peter Wheeler, “The Expensive-Tissue Hypothe-
sis: The Brain and the Digestive System in Human and Primate Evolu-
tion,” Current Anthropology 36 , no.  (April 1 ): 1 – 1 ,
/stable/ 744104.
10. mammals of similar mass: Herculano-Houzel, “The Remarkable...
Human Brain.”
11. a quarter of the energy consumed: Fonseca-Azevedo and Herculano-
Houzel, “Metabolic Constraint.”
1 . Spring arrived a bit early: William Klingaman and Nicholas Klinga-
man, The Year without Summer: 1816 and the Volcano That Darkened the World
and Changed History (New York: St. Martin’s Press,  013 ), 30.
13. thermometers had climbed: Ibid., 3 .
14. forests were preventing the sunlight: Ibid., 81 – 8 .
1 . lowered ambient temperatures: “Year without a Summer, 1816 ,” Cele-
brate Boston, accessed November 13 ,  017 ,
16. climatic shift to sunspots: Klingaman and Klingaman, The Year, 17 –
30 , 77 – 7 ; “Year Without,” Celebrate Boston.
17. the most fervent explanations: Klingaman and Klingaman, The Year,
18. wheat yields plummeted and bread disappeared: Ibid., chap. 8 ; Henry
Stommel and Elizabeth Stommel, Volcano Weather: The Story of 1816 , The

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