The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes  6 

-hundred-and-froze-to-death/; Shirley Wajda, “Eighteen-Hundred-and-
Froze-to-Death:  8  6 , The Year without a Summer,” Connecticut History, http:
// 8  6 -the
-year-without-a-summer/; “Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death: The Year
There Was No Summer,” The Weather Doctor,
/weather/history/ 8  6 .htm. All accessed November  3 ,  0  7.
. Red River Valley: Economic Research Service (ERS), Chronology
Landmarks in American Agriculture, AIB- 4 ,  990 , 9 , https://naldc.nal.usda
.gov/download/CAT 9  949  7 /PDF; J. R. Parker, “Grasshoppers,” in the Year-
book of Agriculture 1952 (Washington, DC: United States Government Print-
ing Office,  9 ),  9 – 604 , 0000  49

 6. “hell from above”: Chuck Lyons, “ 874 : The Year of the Locust,”
HISTORYNET, February ,  0  7 , 874 -the-year-
of-the-locust.htm; Chris Bennett, “Locust Swarms Bring Back Past for US
Farmers,” Western Farm Press (blog), March 7 ,  0  3 , http://westernfarmpress.
 7. “everything but the mortgage”: Lyons, “ 874 ”; Bennett, “Locust.”
 8. largest swarm ever recorded: Carol Yoon, “Looking Back at the Days
of the Locust,” New York Times, April  3 ,  00 , 00 
/ 04 / 3 /science/looking-back-at-the-days-of-the-locust.html.
 9. Fungi appeared in fruit orchards: Murray Benedict, Farm Policies
of The United States, 1790 – 1950 : A Study of Their Origins and Development
(New York: Twentieth Century Fund,  9  3 ),  6.
30. Boll weevil showed up: Ibid.
3 . Seven of every ten acres planted: National Agricultural Statistics
Service (NASS), “Crop Production  0  6 Summary,” January  0  7 ,  00 , http:
// 0  0 s/ 0  7 /CropProd
Su- 0 -- 0  7 .pdf; Lance Honig, “Principal Crops Planted Acreage,” in “Crop
Production—Annual Grain Stocks, Rice Stocks, Cotton Ginnings, Winter
Wheat and Canola Seedings, January Crop Production Executive Summary,”
NASS, January ,  0  8 , 3 ,
_Briefings/ 0  8 / 0 -- 0  8 .pdf.
3 . 92 percent of all meat consumed: ERS, “Red Meat, Poultry, and Fish,
 970 to  0 ” in CSV format, in “Food Availability (Per Capita) Data Sys-
tem,” last modified July  6 ,  0  7 ,
/ 047 /redmeat.csv?v= 4  94 .
33. Some fifty thousand pesticides: Eric Jorgensen, ed., The Poisoned
Well: New Strategies for Groundwater Protection (Washington, DC: Island
Press,  989 ), 3 , cited in: Andrew Smith, Food in America: The Past, Present,

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