The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 6  Notes

and Future of Food, Farming, and the Family Meal, vol.  (Santa Barbara, CA:
ABC-CLIO,  0  7 ),  79.
34. Eighty percent of all antibiotics: Tracy Pham, “Drug Use Review,”
US Food and Drug Administration, April ,  0 , ,
/downloads/Drugs/DrugSafety/InformationbyDrugClass/UCM 3  943 
.pdf; US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “ 0  3 Summary Report on
Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals,”
April  0 , 39 ,
DrugUserFeeActADUFA/UCM 440  84 .pdf.
3 . military is in charge of food: Hannah Dreier and Joshua Good-
man, “Venezuela Military Trafficking Food as Country Goes Hungry,” Associ-
ated Press, December  8 ,  0  6 ,
36. We want everyone to have access: Rachelle Krygier and Anthony
Faiola, “Opposition Strike Paralyzes Parts of Venezuela as Fears of Violence
Mount,” Washington Post, July  0 ,  0  7 ,
-fears-of-violence-mount/ 0  7 / 07 / 0 /bd 0 e- 6 cd 0 - e 7 -abbc-a 348067

 86 _story.html?utm_term=. 3 a 7 ff 388 c 64.
37. for the poorest Venezuelans: Andreina Aponte, “For Poor Venezue-
lans, a Box of Food May Sway Vote for Maduro,” Reuters, March  8 ,  0  8 , https:
-a-box-of-food-may-sway-vote-for-maduro-idUSKCNGO 73.
38. Venezuela’s economy has been in free fall: For the World Bank’s
ranking of the world’s national economies (measured by Gross Domestic Prod-
uct in  0  7 ), see: World Development Indicators database, World Bank,  July
 0  8 ,
39. agriculture’s financial contribution: “Colombia,” Observatory of Eco-
nomic Complexity (OEC), accessed August  9 ,  0  8 ,
.edu/en/profile/country/col/; “Colombia,” World Bank, accessed August  9 ,
 0  8 ,
40. livestock production still dominates: Gert-Jan Stads et al., “Agri-
cultural R&D Indicators Factsheet—Colombia,” International Food Policy
Research Institute, February  0  6 ,
/p 738 coll/id/ 30  93 /filename/ 30  04 .pdf; “ 0  4 Nutrition Country Profile
-Colombia,” IFPRI, accessed August  9 ,  0  8 ,
file/collection/p 738 coll/id/ 8  3 /filename/ 8734 .pdf.
4 . longest-running insurgency: Anthony Faiola, “Two Years After
Colombia’s Peace Accord, the Historic Pact Is in Jeopardy,” Washington
Post, June  6 ,  0  8 ,

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