The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1

 64 Notes

Particulars of the Rural Economy of the United States (Alexandria, VA: Cottom
and Stewart,  803 ), 6.
 0. how to promote soil improvements: Montgomery, Dirt,  4.
. waste as we please: Ibid., ; Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of
Virginia, ed. J. W. Randolph (Google Books,  8 ), 94 ,
_summary_r&cad= 0 #v=onepage&q&f=false.
. “a miserable system of farming: Andrew Downing, “A Blunt Warn-
ing about Unsustainable Farming Practices in America,” in Smith, Food in
America,  46 – 49.
 3. British capitulated their claim: “The Caribbean and the British Em-
pire,” British Empire Maproom, accessed November  4 ,  0  7 , http://www.british
 4. sold off the Louisiana Territory: “Louisiana Purchase,” Office of the
Historian, accessed March  9 ,  0  8 , 80 

  •  8  9 /louisiana-purchase.
    . Alaska was bought from Russia: “Alaska Purchase,” Encyclopedia Bri-
    tannica, accessed November  4 ,  0  7 ,
    / 3  6.
     6. tractors on farms had tripled: Montgomery, Dirt,  46.
     7. nature was to blame: Zeynep Hansen and Gary Libecap, “Small
    Farms, Externalities, and the Dust Bowl of the  930 s,” Journal of Political
    Economy , no. 3 ( June  004 ): 66 – 94 , 00 
     8. programs began paying farmers: Daniel Hellerstein, “The US Con-
    servation Reserve Program: The Evolution of an Enrollment Mechanism,”
    Land Use Policy 63 (April  0  7 ): 60 – 0 , 0 . 0  6 /j.landusepol
    . 0 . 07. 0  7.
     9. higher profits were more important: Alex Formuzis, “Here Today,
    Gone Tomorrow: USDA Conservation Program for Sensitive Cropland
    Wastes Billions of Tax Dollars,” Environmental Working Group, June 7 ,  0  7 ,
     0. fast enough to sustain industrial agriculture: Montgomery, Dirt, 3.
    . being depleted eighteen times faster: Natural Resources Conserva-
    tion Service, “Soil Erosion,” US Department of Agriculture, accessed Novem-
    ber  4 ,  0  7 ,
     4 p_ 0  0 .pdf.
    . 3,200 football fields each day: “Farms Under Threat—The State of
    America’s Farmland,” American Farmland Trust, May 9 ,  0  8 , https://www

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