The Grand Food Bargain

(ff) #1
Notes  73

3 . stop subsidizing the wrong things.”: “Editorial: To Clean Up Our

Water, Go ‘Nuts’ Like This Iowa Farmer,” Des Moines Register, June 30 ,  0  7 ,
http:/ 0  7

/ 06 / 30 /editorial-clean-up-our-water-go-nuts-like-iowa-farmer/ 43884300 /.
3 . familiar phrases from the past: Kaush Arha et al., eds., U.S. Agricultural
Policy and the 2007 Farm Bill, Woods Institute for The Environment, Stanford
University,  006 ,  6 , accessed November ,  0  7 ,
/sites/default/files/files/Farm-Bill-Workshop-Book- 0060 _BThompson
33. “a win for farmers and consumers”: Dianne Feinstein, US Senator
for California, “Feinstein: Farm Bill Passage Big Win for California Farmers,
Consumers,” press release, February 4 ,  0  4 ,
/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=C 8 B 79 F 9 - DD- 4  0 - 8  0 -A 8 E 897

609 B; Debbie Stabenow, US Senator for Michigan, “Farm Bill Resources Cen-
ter,” accessed November ,  0 ,
34. an additional 60 percent: Ryan Alexander, “Farming Bigger Losses
for Taxpayers,” U.S. News, March 3 ,  0  6 ,
/economic-intelligence/articles/ 0  6 - 03 - 3 /farm-bill-costs-are-exploding.
3 . “If angels were to govern men: James Madison, “Federalist Paper no.
 ( 788 ),” Bill of Rights Institute,
36. “it’s the right thing to do.”: Skip Schulz, “Western UP Helps Kansas
Fire Victims,” Daily Mining Gazette, March  4 ,  0  7 , http://www.miningga 0  7 / 03 /western-up-helps-kansas-fire-victims/; Von Lozon,
“A Michigan Group Is Raising Donations for Farmers Affected by Wildfires,”
MLive, March ,  0  7 , 0  7
/ 03 /michigan_group_raising_donatio.html.
37. majorities can become minorities: Steven Levitsky and Daniel Zib-
latt, How Democracies Die (New York: Crown Publishing Group,  0  8 ).
38. the power which knowledge gives: “Celebrating James Madison
and the Freedom of Information Act,” FOIA Post, US Department of Jus-
tice, last modified August 6 ,  0  4 ,

  •  008 -celebrating-james-madison-and-freedom-information-act.

Chapter 6

. the Pan American Highway: “Fastest Journey on Foot—Pan-Ameri-
can Highway,” Guinness World Records, accessed June  8 ,  0  8 , http://www

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